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Daily Vocabulary : 26th March 2020

PERCOLATE (verb) : फैलना
Meaning: Spread gradually through an area or group of people.
Synonyms: disseminated, filter, pass, spread.
Antonyms: flood, pour, gush, surge.
Usage: I hope to visit some of these ideas that are now percolating with regard to the worship experiences of today.

INHIBITION (noun) : निषेध
Meaning: the act of stopping or slowing down a process.
Synonyms: hindrance, obstruction, impediment, suppression.
Antonyms: impetus, incentive, aid, assistance.
Usage: In spite of a history of work inhibition, these students frequently have good academic knowledge and skills.

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SWINDLE (Verb): ठगी
Meaning: obtain (money) fraudulently.
Synonyms: bilk, con, deceive, defraud, fleece
Antonyms: help, give
Example: You have to be careful when buying products on the internet, as some sellers may try to swindle you into paying more money than the product is worth.

SCURRY (verb) : घबरा कर चलना
Meaning: (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.
Synonyms: scamper, scuttle, dash, rush.
Antonyms: amble, stroll, crawl, saunter.
Usage: We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.

SCEPTICAL (Adjective) : उलझन
Meaning: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Synonyms: dubious, doubtful, unconvinced
Antonyms: certain, convinced, optimistic
Example: it’s good to be skeptical about what you see on TV.

INGRESS (Noun) :प्रवेश
Meaning: the action or fact of going in or entering; the capacity or right of entrance.
Synonyms: entrance, access, admittance, approach
Antonyms: egress, exit
Example: If you sit in front of the doorway, you are creating a safety hazard by blocking the path of ingress into the hospital.

INVASIVE (adjective) : आक्रामक
Meaning: tending to spread very quickly and undesirably or harmfully.
Synonyms: nosy, interfering
Example: The samples tested in this series may not include a high proportion of health care staff involved in invasive procedures.

INDIGENOUS (adjective) स्वदेशी
Meaning: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Synonyms: native, innate, inborn, primitive, congenital
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Usage: They were our indigenous peoples, our first peoples, our first speakers and our first hearers.

FUTURISTIC (adjective) भविष्य
Meaning: having or involving very modern technology or design.
Synonyms: innovative, modern, cutting edge, visionary
Antonyms: old, retro.
Usage: It almost seems futuristic in design, but you can have it right now.

INTIMIDATE (verb) धमकाना
Meaning: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.
Synonyms: dishearten, dismay, terrify
Antonyms: please, praise
Usage: Her boss intimidates her

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