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Daily Vocabulary : 25th March 2020

FURLOUGH (noun) लम्बी छुट्टी
Meaning: leave of absence, especially that granted to a member of the services or a missionary.
Synonyms: break, rest, recess, day off.
Antonyms: rehire, recall, travail, toil.
Usage: I have just learned that Cousin George has got his furlough extended thirty days.

INCONCEIVABLE: (adjective) अचिंतनीय
Meaning: not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable.
Synonyms: implausible, improbable, incredible, incogitable.
Antonyms: plausible, reasonable, tenable, conceivable.
Usage: When I looked at my outrageous hospital bill, I blinked at the inconceivable amount.

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RESURGE (Verb) पुनरुत्थान
Meaning: To rise again.
Synonyms: Revival, rebirth
Antonyms: lapse, breakdown
Usage: If you have lost your inner motivation, do not worry, hopefully, it will resurge.

ARDOR (Noun) ललक
Meaning: Enthusiasm or passion
Synonyms: Emotion, warmth
Antonyms: apathy, indifference
Usage: He had been a painter throughout his life, but he never had a vision of painting with such ardor and desire.

Meaning: to indicate (something, such as a future event) by signs
Synonyms: augur, forebode
Antonyms: ignorance, thoughtlessness
Example: Poor sales do not bode favorably for the success of the new store.

Meaning: that which is left after an extremely violent event such as a massacre
Synonyms: crime, bloodshed
Antonyms: peace, non- violence
Example: We banned our child from playing his favorite video game because of the violence and carnage it contained.

ARRANT (adjective) कुख्यात
Meaning: used to say how bad something is.
Synonyms: utter, absolute, complete, thorough.
Antonyms: dubious, questionable, restricted, uncertain.
Usage: Because of her arrant devotion to her family, she volunteered to go to the labor camp with them.

DENIZEN (noun) निवासी
Meaning: a person, animal, or plant that lives or is found in a particular place.
Synonyms: inhabitant, occupant, resident, tenant.
Antonyms: visitor, emigrant, evacuee, expatriate.
Usage: The author of Atlanta’s latest guidebook is a longtime denizen of the city who knows all the best places to visit.

RESORT(verb) प्रयोग करना
Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.
Synonyms: expedient, recourse, makeshift, substitute.
Antonyms: abstain, dodge, halt, shun.
Usage: Excluded from parliament by the fatal error of his youth, he was compelled to resort to indirect means of working out his plans by influencing public men.

SPLURGE (verb) पैसे उड़ाना
Meaning: to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
Synonyms: squander, fling, dissipate, disburse.
Antonyms: accumulate, hoard, conserve, preserve.
Usage: I feel like splurging on a new dress.

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