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Daily Vocabulary : 22nd March 2020

MITIGATE (verb) : कम करना
Meaning: make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.
Synonyms: appease, calm, cool
Antonyms: aggravate, agitate, extend
Example: For good or evil, the great towns are here, and we can but mitigate.

CONVICT (verb) : मिद्धदोष अपराधी
Meaning: declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.
Synonyms: captive, felon, prisoner
Antonyms: victim
Example: If they could convict Lesurques upon such evidence, why not also convict Guesno on it?

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FACET (Noun): पहलू
Meaning: a particular aspect or feature of something.
Synonyms: angle, appearance, character, feature, front
Antonyms: back, rear
Example: The yoga philosophy maintains that the breath is the most important facet of health.

INCIPIENT (Adjective): उत्पन्न होनेवाला
Meaning: in the beginning stages.
Synonym: nascent, , basic, beginning, commencing, elementary, fundamental
Antonym: developed, grown, mature
Example: He, too, was found to be suffering from incipient tuberculosis.

STINT (Noun): कार्यकाल
Meaning: a limited period of work or a limited time in a specific job or profession.
Synonyms: assignment, , duty, job, spell, stretch
Antonyms: entertainment, failure, fun, pastime, stagnation
Example: I want to finish this stint, so as to have the afternoon off.

ERODE (Verb): नष्ट करना
Meaning: to eat into or away; destroy by slow consumption or disintegration.
Synonyms: corrode, destroy, abrade, bite, consume
Antonyms: build, ignore, neglect, preserve, construct
Example: Just building up the ground is not the best way because it will erode over time.

INCUMBENT (adjective): निर्भर
Meaning: lying, resting, or pressing with its weight on something else
Synonyms: binding, necessary, compelling, urgent
Antonyms: unnecessary
Example: Upon the duty incumbent upon all thinkers to investigate for themselves rather than to accept the authority of others.

EXPUNGE (verb) मिटाना
Meaning: obliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant).
Synonyms: eradicate, eliminate, abolish, annihilate.
Antonyms: renovate, repair, restore, revamp.
Usage: Time and the weather have expunged any evidence that a thriving community once existed here.

UNTRAMMELED (adjective) बेरोक
Meaning: not deprived of freedom of action or expression; not restricted or hampered.
Synonyms: unobstructed, unhampered, unrestrained, unfettered.
Antonyms: limited, restrained, restricted, obstructed.
Usage: My mother always encourages me to let my untrammeled dreams run wild.

BLOC (noun) गुट
Meaning: a group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance.
Synonyms: association, coalition, federation, confederation.
Usage: The parliamentary members tended to coalesce in blocs, which were alliances in support of particular philosophies.

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