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Daily Vocabulary: 1st February

Word: Vacuum (शून्य स्थान)
Meaning: a space entirely devoid of matter. (Noun)
Synonyms: void, emptiness, vacancy
Antonyms: fullness, abundance
Usage in a Sentence: The writer criticized the moral vacuum in society.

Word: Disconcerting (चिंताजनक)
Meaning: tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting.
Synonyms: unsettling, disturbing, embarrassing
Antonyms: soothing, affable, comforting
Usage in a Sentence: I found it very disconcerting to be in the function in which I was not invited.

Word: Proxy (प्रतिनिधि)
Meaning: the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.
Synonyms: substitute, surrogate, deputy, representative
Usage in a sentence: Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf.

Word: Stark (नितांत)
Meaning: severe or bare in appearance or outline.
Synonyms: crisp, distinct, obvious
Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant
Usage in a sentence: The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.

Word: Beset (टूट पड़ना)
Meaning: (of a problem or difficulty) trouble (someone or something) persistently.
Synonyms: harass, plague, assail, hound, attack
Antonyms: protect, defend, aid, assist
Usage in a Sentence: A lack of money is the greatest problem besetting the city today.

Word: Eponymous (व्यक्ति जिसके नाम से किसी रचना का नाम रखा हो)
Meaning: (of a person) giving their name to something.
Synonyms: self-titled, namesake, homonymous, titular
Antonyms: anonymous, nameless, unknown, incognito
Usage in a Sentence: Benko is the author of an eponymous opening line for the black pieces.

Word: Fillip (प्रेरणा)
Meaning: something which acts as a stimulus or boost to activity.
Synonyms: incentive, stimulus, boost, encouragement
Antonyms: deterrence, disincentive
Usage in a sentence: The news gave a fillip to the telecommunication sector.

Word: Saving grace (विशेष गुण)
Meaning: the redeeming grace of God.
Synonyms: good point, attractive aspect, advantage
Antonyms: weak point, disadvantage, difficulty, weakness
Usage in a Sentence: Dogs are a man’s best friend and a cop’s saving grace.

Word: Uptick (उत्थान)
Meaning: a small increase or slight upward trend.
Synonyms: uptrend, rise, increase, growth, increment, surge
Antonyms: downtick, decrement, decline, loss, abatement, decrease
Usage in a sentence: Unfortunately, the passage of the law didn’t translate into an uptick of tenants using vouchers in the city, Martin acknowledged.

Word: Underscore (बल देना)
Meaning: emphasize
Synonyms: stress, underline, highlight
Antonym: ignore
Usage in a sentence: The Labour Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.

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