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Daily Vocabulary: 18th December 2019

To strengthen the crust and core of your English language, what you need is new and effective words added to your dictionary every day. This is a tedious task if you sit with the dictionary every day. Adda247 brings to you a compact way of learning constantly and efficiently. This is today’s Vocabulary for the aspirants who are preparing for the various banking examinations. SBI Clerk, LIC Assistant Mains, IBPS RRB, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk are some of the upcoming examinations which can be prepared with the aid of daily Vocabulary. Vocab will help you excel not just in the examinations but will help you sail through the Interview round of the examinations you are preparing for. The words you choose will accelerate you in the correct path towards success and we hope that this article serves the purpose. Here is the vocabulary for 18th December 2019.

SISYPHEAN(Adjective)  : व्यर्थ

Meaning: Referring to a task that can never be finished

Synonym: futile, fruitless

Antonym: effective, useful

Usage: It’s a difficult task, maybe even a sisyphean one, but it’s a challenge for someone to do.

IGNOMINY(Noun)  : बदनामी

Meaning: Public shame or loss of Honor

Synonym: shame, disgrace

Antonym: honor, pride

Usage: If defaulters don’t come forward,they will face charges and the public ignominy of being named.

FRAUGHT(Adjective)  : भरा हुआ

Meaning: Filled with or attended with

Synonym: charged, laden

Antonym: empty, devoid

Usage: Her birthday was fraught with awkward moments when her family saw her blue hairs.

UNHINGE(Verb) : घबराना

Meaning: Disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed

Synonym: distract, disturb

Antonym: pacify, mollify

Usage: He was snide too, bringing up how much of a hound Mitch was and how that might unhinge any woman’s mind.

SLOVENLY(Adjective) : किसी न किसी प्रकार

Meaning: Careless, untidy or dirty in appearance or habits.

Synonym: sloppy, messy

Antonym: dapper, smart

Usage: Despite her basic beauty, she has a slovenly appearance, as though some strange magnetism randomly attaches clothes to her body every morning.

QUITTANCE(Noun): हरजाना

Meaning: Discharge from a debt or an obligation.

Synonym: payment, requital

Antonym: captivity, corner

Usage: Lane smiled almost affably as he tossed the quittance upon the table.

HYPERBOLIC(Adjective)  : अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण

Meaning: Enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness; of or relating to a hyperbola.

Synonym: exaggerated, hyperbola

Antonym: reduced, knockdown

Usage: I was writing in a hyperbolic reverie while closing myself off from at least half of his excellence.

OPEROSE(Adjective) : श्रमसाध्य

Meaning: Characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion.

Synonym: laborious, hard

Antonym: absorbing, engaging

Usage: An operose and expensive establishment of a supreme court was made, and charged upon the revenues of the country.

SUPPURATE(Verb) : पकना

Meaning: Cause to ripen and discharge pus.

Synonym: fester, decay

Antonym: invest, enlist

Usage: If that scrape on your hand starts to suppurate, you might want to go to the doctor.

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