Polarize(Verb)फूट डालना (क्रिया)
Meaning: restrict the vibrations of (a transverse wave, especially light) wholly or partially to one direction.
Synonym: concentrate, consolidate,
Antonym: decentralize, deconcentrate,
Usage: The issue has polarized the center community
Cynicism(Noun)कुटिलता (संज्ञा)
Meaning: an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; scepticism.
Synonym: scepticism, doubt
Antonym: optimism
Usage: In a world full of Cynicism she was the one person I felt I could trust.
Hegemony(Noun)आधिपत्य (संज्ञा)
Meaning: leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others.
Synonym: leadership, dominance
Antonym: self-government
Usage: To say they have priority is not to say they have complete hegemony.
Conspire(verb)षड्यंत्र (क्रिया)
Meaning: make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.
Synonym: collude, connive,
Antonym: Neglect, disagree
Usage: The Culprit conspired to overthrow the government
Throng(Noun)भीड़ (संज्ञा)
Meaning: A crowd of people or animals
Synonym: stream, swarm, flock,
Antonym: scantling, take apart
Usage: we parked the car and made our way to the little tearoom, packed with throngs of tourists.
Castigated(Verb)आलोचना (क्रिया)
Meaning: reprimand (someone) severely.
Synonym: reprimand, rebuke
Antonym: praise, commend
Usage: The principal castigates the student who has insult their teacher.
Pretense(Noun)दिखावा (संज्ञा)
Meaning: an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
Synonym: make-believe, act,
Antonym: reality, honesty
Usage: The hypocrisy is the pretense that the players are scholars whose colleges are competing for the glory of it all.
Substantive(adjective)मूल (विशेषण)
Meaning: having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable.
Synonym: biggish, considerable
Antonym: inconsequential, inconsiderable
Usage: The State Department reported that substantive discussions had taken place with Beijing.
Meaning: the accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefits.
Synonym: result, arise
Antonym: abatement, decline
Usage: Do not confuse limitations on the accrual of benefits with limitations on deductible contribution.