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Daily Vocabulary: 10th October 2019

To strengthen the crust and core of your English language, what you need is new and effective words added to your dictionary every day. This is a tedious task if you sit with the dictionary every day. Adda247 brings to you a compact way of learning constantly and efficiently. This is today’s Vocabulary for the aspirants who are preparing for the various banking examinations. SBI Clerk, LIC ADO, IBPS RRB, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk are some of the upcoming examinations which can be prepared with the aid of daily Vocabulary. Vocab will help you excel not just in the examinations but will help you sail through the Interview round of the examinations you are preparing for. The words you choose will accelerate you in the correct path towards success and we hope that this article serves the purpose. Here is the vocabulary for 10th October 2019.

PUMMEL(Verb) : प्रहार
Meaning: to defeat someone easily at a sport
Synonyms: bash, batter
Antonyms: compliment, fail
Sentence: The boxer had pummeled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round.

SCALDING(Adjective) : धधकते हुए
Meaning: If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot
Synonyms: blazing, blistering
Antonyms: cold, cool
Sentence:  Against her will, hot scalding tears burst from her eyes and down her cheeks.

SUBJUGATE(verb) : अधीन करना
Meaning: to treat yourself, your wishes, or your beliefs as being less important than other people or their wishes or beliefs
Synonyms: conquer, enslave
Antonyms: lose, release
Sentence: Reporters must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to balance.

BACKSTOP (noun) : सुरक्षा 
Meaning: an emergency precaution or last resort.
Synonyms: safeguard, preventive measure, insurance.
Antonyms: constraint, limitation, restriction, sanction.
Sentence: They want the Democrats to act as a backstop for this wild nonsense.

SWATHE (noun) : लपेटना
Meaning: a large part of something that includes several different things.
Synonyms: envelope, stretch, area, track.
Antonyms: brink, border, boundary, margin.
Sentence: These people represent a broad swathe of public opinion.

FARCE (noun)  : स्वांग
Meaning: an absurd event.
Synonyms: travesty, sham, masquerade, charade.
Antonyms: solemnity, reverence, seriousness, sobriety.
Sentence: We need to get more good referees like him, or the game is going to become a complete farce.

Contrition:(Noun) : पछतावा
Meaning:- the state of feeling sorry for bad behaviour: the state of repentance.
Synonyms: contriteness, guilt, penitence, regret, remorse, repentance
Antonyms:-impenitence, remorselessness
Sentence:- The defendant pled guilty to the crime and expressed heartfelt contrition for the things he had done.

BELITTLE (Verb)  : पतन
Meaning: dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.
Synonyms: disparage, denigrate, deprecate, downgrade
Antonyms: praise, magnify
Sentence: There is no reason for you to belittle my wardrobe simply because your clothes are more expensive than the ones I own.

DELVE (Verb)  : जांच
Meaning: research or make painstaking inquiries into something.
Synonyms: investigate, probe, examine, explore
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Sentence: Because she was planning a trip, the woman began to delve into a search for plane tickets.

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