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Daily Vocabualry : 24th March 2020

PROMPT (adjective) शीघ्र
Meaning: done, performed, delivered, etc., at once or without delay.
Synonyms: urge, spur, instigate, impel.
Antonyms: delayed, late, later, slow, sluggish
Usage: There is cautious optimism that this prompt action may have helped avert a broader outbreak.

PATRONAGE (noun) संरक्षण
Meaning: a condescending manner or attitude in granting favors, in dealing with people.
Synonyms: aegis, auspices, backing, encouragement, financing.
Antonyms: attack, blockage, disapproval, discouragement, harm.
Usage: There were hundreds of other things in the great city, but they had their share of patronage.

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ALACRITY (noun) तत्परता
Meaning: cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness.
Synonyms: alertness, avidity, briskness, cheerfulness, dispatch, eagerness
Antonyms: apathy, coolness, discouragement, indifference
Usage: His alacrity of manner and quick step justified this opinion.

DEFIANT (adjective) उद्दंड
Meaning: characterized by defiance; boldly resistant or challenging:
Synonyms: aggressive, audacious, bold, challenging, contumacious, daring
Antonyms: acquiescent, obedient, respectful, submissive
Usage: Maya nodded and went out, shutting the door with a defiant swing.

ATROCITIES (noun) अत्याचारों
Meaning: the quality or state of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal.
Synonyms: barbarity, horror
Antonyms: good behavior, kindness, pleasantness
Usage: In the popular drama of Punch, we observe a perfect climax of atrocities and horrors.

SOLIDARITY (noun) एकजुटता
Meaning: union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, between classes, peoples, etc.
Synonyms: agreement, consensus, harmony, support, teamwork
Antonyms: disagreement, antagonism, discord.
Usage: No solidarity of advancement exists in the species as a whole.

EGALITARIAN (noun) समानाधिकारवादी
Meaning: a person who adheres to equality beliefs.
Synonyms: democratic, equitable, even-handed.
Antonyms: elitist.
Usage: Indians pride themselves on an egalitarian society open to all.

ARDUOUS (adjective) कठिन
Meaning: Involving or requiring strenuous effort
Synonyms: Difficult, hard, heavy
Antonyms: Helpful, effortless, easy
Usage: It was not an arduous task as it seemed to be.

GRATIS (adjective) मुफ़्त
Meaning: Given or done nothing: free
Antonyms: Costly, expensive
Usage: government is planning to provide a gratis food to poor people.

BAGATELLE (Noun) छोटी बात
Meaning: A thing of little importance
Synonyms: Frippery, Nothing
Antonyms: Succeed, Importance
Usage: I would like to point out that that sum is a mere bagatelle of the whole revenue.

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