1. Muster: verb=संग्रह
Meaning: collect or assemble (a number or amount).
Synonyms: collect, congregate, convene, convoke, assemble
Antonyms: destroy, dismiss, disperse, dodge, scatter
2. Hone: verb=तेज करना
Meaning: Sharpen/
refine or perfect (something) over a period of time/
give greater strength or firmness to (the body or a part of the body).
Synonyms: Whet, acuminate, edge, grind
3. Vaunt: verb=डींग मारना
Meaning: boast about or praise (something), especially excessively.
Synonyms: boast, brag, display, flaut, gasconade, prate, strut
Antonyms: conceal, deprecate
4. Concoct: verb=योजना बनाना
Meaning: formulate, think up
Synonyms: contrive, devise, envision, fabricate, hatch, invent, frame
Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin, wreck
5. Plunder: verb=लूट का माल
Meaning: steal goods from (a place or person), typically using force and in a time of war or civil disorder.
Synonyms: devastate, pillage, ransack, salvage, despoil, fleece, forage, foray
Antonyms: guard, protect, receive, aid
6. Scamper: verb=भगदड़
Meaning: (especially of a small animal or child) run with quick light steps, especially through fear or excitement.
Synonyms: bolt, dart, romp, scoot, scuttle, trot, hasten
Antonyms: dawdle, stroll
7. Stultify: verb=मूर्ख बनाना
Meaning: cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
Synonyms: criple, hinder, negate, nullify, stifle
Antonyms: assist, excite, encourage, permit
8. Narcissism: noun=अहंकार
Meaning: excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance
Synonyms: arrogance, boastfulness, bragging, conceit,
9. Shrill: adjective=अनिमेष
Meaning: (of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing.
Synonyms: deafening, discordant, piercing, strident, blaring, treble
Antonyms: mild, moderate
10.Extol: verb=प्रशंसा करना
Meaning: praise enthusiastically.
Synonyms: acclaim, applaud, eulogize, exalt, glorify,laud
Antonyms: blame, castigate, censure, debase, denounce