1. Shrivel:(verb)=सूखना
Meaning: wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, especially due to loss of moisture.
Synonyms: dwindle, shrink, wilt, wither, burn, desiccate, parch
Antonyms: bloom, develop, enlarge, expand, grow
Usage: The leaves shrivel, the plant ceases to grow, and the grapes that are formed also shrivel and die.
2. Squander:(verb)=गंवाना
Meaning: waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.
Synonyms: blow, dissipate, fiddle away, fritter, lavish, lose, misspend, run through, spend, throw away, trifle, waste
Antonyms: conserve
Usage: Eddie has a tendency to squander his entire allowance on comic books and action figures.
3. Gullible:(adjective)=आसानी से धोखा खानेवाला
Meaning: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
Synonyms: easy, exploitable, naive (or naïve), susceptible, trusting, unwary, wide-eyed
Antonyms: critical, cynical, mistrustful, skeptical, suspicious, wary; sophisticated; clear-eyed, clear-sighted, hardheaded; shrewd, street-smart, streetwise
Usage: Gullible people tend to believe whatever they are told.
4. Detritus:(noun)=टुकड़े
Meaning: waste or debris of any kind.
Synonyms: ashes, debris, flotsam, remains, residue, rubble, ruins, wreck, wreckage
Antonyms: jetsam, leavings, remnant; chaff, deadwood, dross, dust, garbage, junk, litter, refuse, riffraff, rubbish, scrap, trash, waste
Usage: Dean finished dismantling the tree, cleaning up the remaining detritus of the holidays and packing away the delicate figures of a manger scene.
5. Emulate: (verb)=अनुकरण करना
Meaning: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.
Synonyms: imitate, mimic, compete, contend, outvie, compete
Antonyms: neglect
Usage: She is going to emulate her brother’s strong work ethic in order to be successful.
6. Agile:(adjective)=फुर्तीला
Meaning: able to move quickly and easily.
Synonyms: buoyant, energetic, frisky, limber, lithe, lively, spirited, supple.
Antonyms: apathetic, depressed, dispirited, inactive, ignorant, lethargic, sluggish.
Usage: They all present, which must be of assistance to the animal in steadying it in its agile bounds among the crags of its native haunts.
7. Contrite: (adjective)=पश्चातापी
Meaning: feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.
Synonyms: apologetic, compunctious, penitent, regretful, remorseful, repentant, rueful, sorry
Antonyms: impenitent, remorseless, unapologetic, unrepentant
Usage: Because he wasn’t contrite, the judge sentenced the unremorseful man to the maximum number of years
8. Sedate: (adjective)=शांत
Meaning: calm, dignified, and unhurried.
Synonyms: calm, collected, composed, cool, coolheaded, equal, level, limpid, peaceful, placid, possessed, recollected, self-composed, self-possessed, serene, smooth, tranquil
Antonyms: agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed, unglued, unhinged, unstrung, upset
Usage: Dean stepped back further, the smile fading from his face as the two men drove away at a very sedate pace.
9. Succour:(noun)=संकट सहायता
Meaning: assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
Synonyms: aid, help, assistance, comfort, ease, relief, support, guidance
Usage: Even though Holly is painfully shy, she is never hesitant to offer succor to anyone who is in pain.
10. Muddle: (verb)=अव्यवस्था
Meaning: bring into a disordered or confusing state.
Synonyms: botch, clutter, complication, confusion, daze, dilemma, disarray
Antonyms: calm, clarity, contentment, harmony, orderliness
Usage: Nevertheless, he muddled through the mire in a surprisingly good frame of mind