(1) Bugbear (noun)
Meaning: A cause of obsessive fear, anxiety, or irritation, डरावना
Synonyms: Hate, bane, irritant, irritation, dislike, anathema
Antonyms: Delight, joy, pleasure
(2) Offload (verb)
Meaning: Rid oneself of (something) by selling or passing it on to someone else/relieve oneself of (a problem or worry) by talking to someone else/unload (a cargo), बोझ उतार लेना
Synonyms: Transfer, shift, jettison, unload, disburden
Antonyms: Load, encumbrance, take on
(3) Lucrative (adjective)
Meaning: producing a great deal of profit, लाभप्रद
Synonyms: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking
Antonyms: unprofitable, aimless, delusive, ineffective, unavailing
(4) Unveil (verb)
Meaning: show or announce publicly for the first time/remove a veil or covering from, in particular uncover (a new monument or work of art) as part of a public ceremony,खोलना
Synonyms: reveal, present, disclose, divulge, exhibit, demonstrate
Antonyms: camouflage, disguise, becloud
(5) Cumulative (adjective)
Meaning: increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions,संचयी
Synonyms: increasing, accumulative, accumulating, growing, progressive
Antonyms: subtractive, distributive, regressive
Example: The student’s cumulative grade for four years of high school is eighty-nine.
(6) Enthuse (verb)
Meaning: express eager enjoyment, interest, or approval regarding something/make (someone) interested and eagerly appreciative,अति उत्साहित करना
Synonyms: exite, arouse, moivate, inspire, stimulate
Antonyms: annoy, be still, deplete, excavate, dispirit
(7) Whittle down (phrasal verb)
Meaning: to reduce the number of people or things, or the size of something,धीरे – धीरे कम करना
Synonyms: reduce, cut down, decrease, diminish, curtail, abbreviate
Antonyms: increase, lengthen, expand, maximize, augment, escalate
(8) Set the ball rolling (phrase)
Meaning: To set something, often a process, in motion; to begin,शुरुआत करना
Synonyms: make a start, set at ease, break the ice, lead off, make the first move
Antonyms: hinder, obstruct, block, prevent, restrain, hamper
(9) hopes one’s hopes on (phrase)
Meaning: rely heavily on,उम्मीद करना
Synonyms: rely on, count on, depend on, place reliance on, trust,
Antonyms: distrust, doubt, suspect, surmise
(10) In principle (phrase Verb)
Meaning: as a general idea or plan, although the details are not yet established,सामान्य रूप में
Synonyms: in general, on balance, generally, in essence, ideally, appropriate
Antonyms: unsuitable, improper, unsustainable, incompatible
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