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Cut off-trend in IBPS | 2018, 2019, 2020

As we all know Institute Of Banking Personnel Selection has announced the result for IBPS Clerk and IBPS PO and IBPS SO 2020-21. Every year lakhs of candidates appear in the banking examination conducted by IBPS. The recruitment is based on 3 stages, which contains Preliminary exams, followed by the mains exams and interview round.
To qualify for the IBPS examination students have to meet the cut-offs released by IBPS every year, and the selection is done through the final cut-off releases for the same. Today, as well in this article we are going to provide you the cut-off trend of IBPS PO, Clerk and SO for the years 2018,2019, and 2020.

Check official IBPS Calendar 2021-22: Click Here

IBPS Previous Year’s Final Cut Off: Trend Analysis

Students preparing for the banking examination and appearing in the same need to know the previous year’s final cut-off analysis, to have an idea about the competition. Knowing the trends that IBPS follows in its cut-off will enable the candidates to understand the level of preparation that is required. Let us look at the year-wise IBPS Final cut-offs and their trend analysis.

Cut off-trend in IBPS | 2018, 2019, 2020 |_3.1


Starting with the trend analysis of IBPS SO for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.

IBPS SO Final Year Cut Off 2018

IBPS SO X Final Cut Off 2018-19 | Out of 100 (Mains & Interview)
IT Officer Scale 1 52.93 50.60 54.93 60
Agricultural Field Officer Scale 1 43.67 41.60 48.47 48.67
Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale 1 55.33 50.67 61.33 59.67
Law Officer Scale 1 55.00 55.40 55.13 63.07
HR/Personnel Officer Scale 1 62.67 62.53 64.33 66.33
Marketing Officer Scale 1 52.00 47.00 54.27 59.67

IBPS SO Final Year Cut Off 2019

IBPS SO X Final Cut Off 2019-20 | Out of 100 (Mains & Interview)
IT Officer Scale 1 57.67 55.00 49.00 47.07 64.07
Agricultural Field Officer Scale 1 70.33 65.80 76.53 68.67 82.00
Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale 1 63.67 55.40 62.40 58.33 70.00
Law Officer Scale 1 61.27 49.00 57.67 55.33 75.00
HR/Personnel Officer Scale 1 61.67 57.67 63.67 66.00 77.27
Marketing Officer Scale 1 63.40 60.40 71.87 59.00 72.13

IBPS SO Final Year Cut Off 2020

IBPS SO X Final Cut Off 2020-2021 | Out of 100 (Mains & Interview)
IT Officer Scale 1 28.53 26 32.33 31 41
Agricultural Field Officer Scale 1 67.6 65.33 76.2 74.67 77.07
Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale 1 46.33 43.4 46.4 35.2 47.93
Law Officer Scale 1 56.11 54.19 59.43 60.21 62.41
HR/Personnel Officer Scale 1 NA NA 56 NA 60
Marketing Officer Scale 1 53 45.27 57.53 58.33 63.53


Given below are the trend analysis of the final year cut-off of IBPS PO for the years 2018,2019 and 2020.

Category IBPS PO Final Cut-off 2018 IBPS PO Final Cut-off 2019 IBPS PO Final Cut-off 2020
General 63.91 44.44 47.89 (13/1/97)
EWS 40.82 42.98 (25/10/95)
OBC 53.02 40.27 43.96 (3/11/94)
SC 55.34 36.02 39.73 (10/6/99)
ST 47.33 33.24 35.56 (8/9/97)
Hearing Impaired (HI) 34.69 26.26 27.20 (20/7/93)
Orthopedically Challenged (OC) 50.69 36 38.84 (9/8/90)
Visually Impaired (VI) 56.11 42.18 45.89 (18/5/95)
Intellectual Disability (ID) 43.69 28.80 28.44 (20/9/98)

IBPS Clerk

Check the cut off analysis for the IBPS Clerk for the year 2018, 2019 and 2020

State Final Cut off in 2018 Final Cut off in 2019 Final Cut Off in 2020
Andaman and Nicobar NA NA 23.25
Andhra Pradesh 50.98 45.13 44.13
Arunachal Pradesh 40.03 41.50 21.88
Assam 49.83 41.88 37.75
Bihar 51.78 45.38 44
Chandigarh 55.18 47.25 34.5
Chattisgarh 49.88 43.63 41.38
Dadra and Nagar haveli 44.25 NA 37.88
Daman and Diu 37.93 38.13 37.88
Delhi 55.83 49.63 44
Goa 48.93 35 30.5
Gujarat 48.45 42.25 39.38
Haryana 56.43 48.63 44.75
Himachal Pradesh 53.05 47.13 44.75
Jammu and Kashmir 54.93 49.25 45.38
Jharkhand 50.63 43.38 39.25
Karnataka 51.95 40.38 37.63
Kerala 53.58 49.63 42.13
Lakshadweep 46.45 NA 35.25
Madhya Pradesh 51.18 44 36.38
Maharashtra 50.05 42.88 38
Manipur 49.05 NA 34.38
Meghalaya 39.7 NA 29.88
Mizoram 54.73 NA 27
Nagaland 45.45 NA 29.5
Odisha 51.28 46.13 43.25
Puducherry 51.25 NA 41.5
Punjab 56.58 48.88 45.75
Rajasthan 53.18 47.38 41.5
Sikkim 45.78 42.13 33.38
Tamil Nadu 52.43 47 44
Telangana 51.75 43.88 41.13
Tripura 50.33 40.13 36.75
Uttar Pradesh 51.45 45.13 42
Uttarakhand 52.5 49.88 46.13
West Bengal 53.28 47.38 39.13

Also Check: IBPS PO, Clerk, SO Vacancies: Total Vacancies in 2018, 2019, 2020

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