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Current Affairs 2022 | Latest & Daily Current Affairs | Current Affairs Today

Current Affairs 2022: Current Affairs is one of the most important sections that is asked in the competitive exams like Banking, SSC, Railway, State exams, and UPSC. The portion of current affairs is covered in the General Awareness section and is considered one of the most crucial and challenging sections for all competitive exams. Current Affairs is the most important subject as it is easy to attempt and only the learning ability of a candidate matters here. To examine the knowledge of the aspirants in different sub-topics like the economy, political developments, international relations, etc. current affairs is asked. GA section does not follow any particular exam syllabus so it becomes important for aspirants to remain updated by reading daily current affairs, regular updates, and monthly current affairs.

Download Monthly Current Affairs

As we all know, many bank notifications are about to release in the coming months, so it is advisable for all the students to prepare well for their examination, as many of the banking exams either in Prelims or Mains, consists of questions from Current Affairs.

Monthly Current Affairs 2022

December Current Affairs 2022
November Current Affairs 2022
October Current Affairs 2022
September Current Affairs 2022
August Current Affairs 2022
July Current Affairs 2022
June Current Affairs 2022
May Current Affairs 2022
April Current Affairs 2022
March Current Affairs 2022
January Current Affairs 2022

Current Affairs December 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs will help them in preparing efficiently as it is a vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of December 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs December 2022 (English & Hindi) December 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
30th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
25th December
(English, Hindi)
24th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)</td
23rd December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
19th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
18th December
17th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
16th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
11th December
(English, Hindi)
10th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
05th December Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
04th December (English, Hindi)
03rd December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd December Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st December
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)


Current Affairs November 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs will help them in preparing efficiently as it is a vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of November 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs November 2022 (English & Hindi) November 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
30th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
27th November
26th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
24th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
20th November
(English, Hindi)
19th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
17th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
16th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
13th November
(English, Hindi)
12th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
06th November
(English, Hindi)
05th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
03rd November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd November
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st November Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs October 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs will help them in preparing efficiently as it is a vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of October 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs October 2022 (English & Hindi) October 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st October Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
30th October (English, Hindi)
29th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
24th October
23rd October (English, Hindi)
22nd October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
19th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
17th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
16th October (English, Hindi)
15th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
09th October (English, Hindi)
08th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
05th October (English, Hindi)
04th October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
03rd October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd October (English, Hindi)
01st October Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs September 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs will help them in preparing efficiently as it is a vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs September 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs September 2022 (English & Hindi) September 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
30th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th September Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
25th September (English, Hindi)
24th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
19th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
18th September
(English, Hindi)
17th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
16th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th September Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
11th September
(English, Hindi)
10th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
05th September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th September
03rd September
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd September Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st September Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs August 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs 2022 will help them in preparing efficiently as it is a vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs August 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs August 2022 (English & Hindi) August 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
30th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
28th August
(English, Hindi)
27th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th August Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
24th August Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd August Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
21st August
20th August (English, Hindi)
19th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
17th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
16th August Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
15th August
14th August (English, Hindi)
13th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th August Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
11th August
(English, Hindi)
10th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
07th August
(English, Hindi)
06th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
05th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
03rd August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd August
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st August Current Affairs (English, Hindi)


Current Affairs July 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs will help them in preparing efficiently as it is the vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs July 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs July 2022 (English & Hindi) July 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st July
(English, Hindi)
30th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
24th July
(English, Hindi)
23rd July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
19th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
17th July
(English, Hindi)
16th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th July Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
10th July
(English, Hindi)
09th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
05th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
03rd July
(English, Hindi)
02nd July Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st July
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs June 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

 For all the aspirants targeting any of the government jobs, Current Affairs will help them in preparing efficiently as it is the vital section of all the exams. Candidates will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs June 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs June 2022 (English & Hindi) June 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
30th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th June Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
26th June
25th June (English, Hindi)
24th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th June Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
19th June
(English, Hindi)
18th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
17th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
16th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
12th June
(English, Hindi)
11th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
05th June
(English, Hindi)
04th June Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
03rd June Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd June Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st June
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs May 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

The Current Affairs will help the students in preparing efficiently for the examination. Aspirants will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of May 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs May 2022 (English & Hindi) May 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
30th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
29th May
(English, Hindi)
28th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th May Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
24th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
22nd May
(English, Hindi)
21st May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
19th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th May Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
17th May (English, Hindi)
16th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
15th May
(English, Hindi)
14th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th May Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
08th May
(English, Hindi)
07th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th May
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
05th May Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th May Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
03rd May (English, Hindi)
02nd May Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
01st May
(English, Hindi)

Current Affairs April 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz 

The Current Affairs will help the students in preparing efficiently for the examination. Aspirants will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of April 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs April 2022 (English & Hindi) April 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
30th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
26th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
24th April
23rd April (English, Hindi)
22nd April Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
20th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
19th April Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th April Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
17th April
(English, Hindi)
16th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th April Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th April Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
10th April
(English, Hindi)
09th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
06th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
05th April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th April Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
03rd April
(English, Hindi)
02nd April
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st April Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs March 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz

The Current Affairs will help the students in preparing efficiently for the examination. Aspirants will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of March 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs March 2022 (English & Hindi) March 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
30th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
29th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th March Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
27th March (English, Hindi)
26th March (English, Hindi)
25th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
24th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd March Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st March Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
20th March
(English, Hindi)
19th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
18th March
(English, Hindi)
17th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
16th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th March Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
13th March (English, Hindi)
12th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th March Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
06th March
(English, Hindi)
05th March
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th March Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
03rd March Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd March Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
01st March Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs February 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz

The Current Affairs will help the students in preparing efficiently for the examination. Aspirants will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of February 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs February 2022 (English & Hindi) February 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
28th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
27th Feb (English, Hindi)
26th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
25th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
24th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
23rd Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
22nd Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
20th Feb
(English, Hindi)
19th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
17th Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
16th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
15th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
13th Feb (English, Hindi)
12th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
09th Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
08th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
07th Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
06th Feb (English, Hindi)
05th Feb
Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
04th Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
03rd Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
02nd Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
 01st Feb Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs January 2022: Daily Current Affairs Update & Daily Quiz

The Current Affairs will help the students in preparing efficiently for the examination. Aspirants will also get an overview of the types of questions that can be asked in the Current Affairs Section. Let us look at the Current Affairs of January 2022 from the table mentioned below.

Date Updated Daily Current Affairs January 2022 (English & Hindi) January 2022 Daily Current Affairs Quiz (English & Hindi)
31st Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
30th Jan (English, Hindi)
29th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
28th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
27th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
26th Jan (English, Hindi)
25th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
24th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
23rd Jan (English, Hindi)
22nd Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
21st Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
20th Jan (English, Hindi)
19th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
18th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
17th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
16th Jan (English, Hindi)
15th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
14th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
13th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
12th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
11th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
10th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
9th Jan (English, Hindi)
8th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
7th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
6th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
5th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
4th Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi) (English, Hindi)
3rd Jan Current Affairs (English, Hindi)
2nd Jan
1st Jan (English, Hindi)

Current Affairs 2022 Importance

Current Affairs is an important section for all the candidates preparing for the government exams. All the government based competitive exams like Banking, SSC, Railways, Insurance, UPSC, etc. cover the section of current affairs under General Awareness. Current Affairs do not have a fixed syllabus or topics that can be covered  as this is the most dynamic and daily changing section. Proper update is required for Current Affairs and General knowledge. If prepared well, the current affairs section can make the students score great marks in examination. There are some questions that are asked in the interview rounds as well which are related to general knowledge and Current Affairs. Candidates should cover the current affairs section keeping in mind that it will help them in a longer run.

Current Affairs 2022 For Banking Exam, UPSC

Current Affairs is one such section that can help you to score great marks overall. We have come across to many such cases where students fail to clear the Mains in IBPS PO/RRB PO/ Clerk/RRB Clerk because they are unable to meet the sectional cut-off for GK. So, this is one such section that you just cannot afford to miss at any cost.

It is important that students must know what they have to study in this section for their respective competitive exams. This section is like an ocean, you cannot ace this section until and unless you are keeping yourself updated with all the current affairs. So, students are advised to understand the demand of their respective exams for ex-In banking exam, Current affairs questions are mainly related to the banking sector or the RBI or The First things built in India, etc. Similarly for UPSC, the current affair are asked by interlinking them with the static portion. Though the syllabus of both the exam is similar for general Awareness yet different from each other.

Current Affairs 2022: Is Current Affairs Different For All Exams?

One of the most common doubts which remains in the mind of aspirants is that whether they should prepare the current affairs exam wise. Many aspirants always looks for exam oriented current affairs which makes their task more complex. So let us first understand that whether the current affairs can be segregated according to exam. The answer is quite simple that current affairs are common for all the exams but the difference will be seen in the difficulty level of the questions asked in the exam and the way the examiner put it in front of you. For example if you are preparing for any clerical level exam then you can expect so many direct questions like Who is the current chairman of the particular organization but the same question can be asked in another way. There are so many sub parts which are covered in the current affairs section, so we should study according to the need of exam. Candidates will need to study the current affairs deeply when preparing for Group A & B exams.

Current Affairs 2022: Sub Topics

  • Science & Technology- A lot of questions are seen from the science & technology section from the recent current affairs in competitive exams which are held for technical posts. It covers latest inventions, new technology, any recent development in the health sector, biotechnology etc. To have a command over this portion candidates must read daily current affairs.
  • Economy- It is one of the sub topics in the current affairs in which students finds difficulty to score good marks. This section holds utmost importance in the banking exams as well as the civil services exam. It includes updates regarding financial awareness, economic policies, international reports about the financial system, Surveys and indexes etc.
  • National Affairs- It covers all the developments which are happening inside our country. It includes news about recent survey and reports, latest ranking , policy of state as well as central governments, art & culture, health and business developments.
  • International Current Affairs- It includes news about International Relations, India And Its Bilateral Relations, International Organizations, International Trade & Treaties, Reports, Survey and Index Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings, United Nations, WTO, WHO, International Treaties & Agreements and many more.
  • Sports- It includes all the sports events all over the world.

Current Affairs 2022: Daily Current Affairs

In the daily GK updates we will be discussing the following topics which will help the students in covering majority of the topics and be prepared for all types of questions.

  1. Sports
  2. National & International Awards
  3. Economy
  4. Rank & Reports
  5. Summits & Conferences
  6. Agreements
  7. Appointments
  8. Current Banking News
  9. Science & Technology
  10. Government Scheme
Daily Gk Update Daily Current Affairs Quiz
May 2022 (English, Hindi) May 2022 (English)
April 2022 (English, Hindi) April 2022 (English)
March 2022 (English, Hindi) March 2022 (English)
February 2022 (English)
January 2022 (English, Hindi) January 2022 (English)

Current Affairs 2022: Weekly Current Affairs

Weekly current affairs are the best way to prepare for the General Awareness section. Remembering daily news may not be feasible but going through weekly current affairs one-liner can serve you the maximum benefit. Students can check the Weekly Current Affairs 2022 from the link mentioned below:

Weekly Current Affairs One Liner 2022

Current Affairs 2022: Monthly Current Affairs

Candidates must go through the monthly current affairs to be updated regarding the national and international events. This will ensure that the candidates are prepared for every possible question from the current affairs section. Candidates can check the Monthly Current Affairs 2022 from the link mentioned below:

Monthly Current Affairs PDF 2022

Current Affairs 2022: FAQs

Q. How many months of current affairs should be studied to crack bank exams?

Ans. It is recommended to study the current affairs of the past 4 to 5 months.

Q. What do current affairs include?

Ans. The latest events in the news of national and international importance are current affairs.

Q. Can I skip current affairs and just study static and banking awareness for bank exams?

Ans. No, you must not. Current Affairs covers a majority of questions in the GA section even the banking and static awareness questions asked in the exams are related to current affairs.

Q. Current affairs are important for which exams?

Ans. Current affairs are important for every govt. job exam- bank, SSC, UPSC, State Exams etc.

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Weekly Current Affairs 2022 PDF

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Q. How many months of current affairs should be studied to crack bank exams?

Ans. It is recommended to study the current affairs of the past 4 to 5 months.

Q. What do current affairs include?

Ans. The latest events in the news of national and international importance are current affairs.

Q. Can I skip current affairs and just study static and banking awareness for bank exams?

Ans. No, you must not. Current Affairs covers a majority of questions in the GA section even the banking and static awareness questions asked in the exams are related to current affairs.

Q. Current affairs are important for which exams?

Ans. Current affairs are important for every govt. job exam- bank, SSC, UPSC, State Exams etc.