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Coronavirus Tips: Do’s and Don’ts to Stay Safe during COVID-19 Outbreak

Coronavirus Tips: Around 4.56 million  coronavirus cases all around the world and over 85 thousand coronavirus confiremed cases in India, this is surely a deadly pandemic and has taken over the world. Government is taking all the right measures to control this pandemic and has taken all the necesssary steps. We all at individual level can help the government to control this pandemic and for that there are certain do’s and don’t that one must follow. As a citizen, it is our responsibility to take the necessary precautions otherwise we will not only risk our lives but the lives of our loved ones will also be at stake. In this article, we will be discussing coronavirus do’s and don’ts to keep yourself and the people around you safe. 

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The most common symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus disease COVID 19 include prolonged fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Moreover, people could already be sick with the virus for up to 14 days before they develop any symptoms. In this case, it is important to follow certain do’s and don’ts, which are mentioned below:

Coronavirus Do’s:

  1. Remain informed about the current situation of events, along with any advisories or precautionary measures that you may be required to take. The most credible sources for the same include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). 
  2. Practice good hygiene, especially hand hygiene. Ensure that you wash your hands frequently and nicely, for more than 20 seconds using soap and water. This should be done especially before you eat, after you use the restroom, cough, blow your nose, or come home after being outside. If you cannot wash your hands, you must use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with over 60% alcohol content to clean your hands. 
  3. Always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. The way to sneeze or cough is into your elbow.
  4. Work from home, if possible. Leave the comforts of your home only if and when it is absolutely needed, such as for buying essentials like food or medicines. If you do go out, always maintain a 5 to 8 feet distance from people. 
  5. Wipe down all the surfaces that you come into contact with, using a regular bleach, or making a cleaning solution with bleach and water. 
  6. Do stock food, household products and other essentials in case there is an extension in the lockdown period or social isolation. 
  7. Ensure that you are maintaining your immunity, by eating a balanced diet, taking Vitamin C and other supplements and getting enough sleep. 
  8. If you think you may have symptoms of COVID 19, isolate yourself immediately and call the doctor or emergency room to get yourself tested for the same. 
  9. Help the elderly who may be in need and have medical problems. 
  10. Maintain social distancing, by remaining at least 5 feet away from people. 
  11. Look for any red flags when it comes to your health, such as a fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit, shortness of breath, etc. 
  12. Self-isolate for 14 days if you come into contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus and seek medical help as soon as possible. 

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Coronavirus Don’ts:

  1. It is important not to panic. The pandemic has already made everyone paranoid and anxious. And with lots of varied information everywhere, it can cause a person to panic. 
  2. Do not go out for social gatherings, meetings, and recreational activities.  
  3. Do not Order food from outside, since take out or delivered food may be at a slightly higher risk of being contaminated.
  4. Do not touch your face. Medical experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) have, time and again, advised people not to touch their faces, nose and mouth too often. This helps to reduce the chances of contracting the virus. Moreover, keeping your hands clean also reduces any risks of infection. 
  5. Do not hoard or stockpile on things like hand sanitizers, masks, and essentials. 
  6. Do not travel unless it is absolutely necessary. It is outside where you are most likely to catch an infection, in places like markets, airports, airplanes, railway stations, and generally places that have a lot of crowds. It is advisable not to go outside or travel without taking any required precautions. 
  7. Do not come into close contact with anyone, shake hands or give hugs as a greeting. 
  8. Don’t share your utensils or used essentials with others, including your family members. 
  9. Do not go to public places, such as gyms, theaters, shopping malls, parks, restaurants, etc. 
  10. Do not take self-isolation or social distancing lightly, since doing these would reduce the risk of you contracting an infection by a considerable amount. 

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