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Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks

Computer Knowledge section can help you to improve your overall score if in case other sections are tougher than the expectation. We are providing you with a question set based on the types and patterns of questions asked in the Computer Knowledge section in previous years. Today’s Computer Quiz based on the important topic asked in RBI Assistant Mains.

The test of Computer Knowledge in RBI Assistant Mains will be a test of 20 minutes with 40 questions for 40 marks. There will be a negative marking for 0.25 mark for each wrong answer marked, thus students should be very careful with their attempts. It’s time for all the aspirants aiming to get selected in RBI Assistant to face the challenge and prepare computer knowledge, as it is equally important as Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English and Reasoning Ability section for the RBI Assistant Mains 2020.

Adda247 is now providing all its students with a new pattern of daily mock and quizzes, where students can take the test in a new pannel with better user interface to simulate exam like experience for all students on bankersadda.

What does Computer Quiz includes?

The Computer Section is one of the scoring sections of the bank examination. If you clear your basics and practice more and more quizzes and also follow a proper study plan, you can easily crack the exam. RBI Assistant Exam is one of the most prestigious exams in the Banking Sector. Bankersadda provides computer knowledge quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020 exam, it covers all important and expected questions for the section. The quizzes are being provided as per the RBI Assistant Mains 30 Days Study Plan, that you can check by clicking here

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Steps to Attempt Bankersadda Daily Quiz in New Format

Students can now choose to attempt daily quizzes and mocks on bankersadda.com in two formats, either on web or on Adda247 App. Follow the following steps to attempt quizzes on web:

Step 1: Click on the Computer Knowledge Quiz’s web link given in the table above to attempt that quiz.

Step 2: Log in if you haven’t. If you have already logged in then you’ll be able to attempt directly.

Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks |_3.1

Step 3: Read the instructions carefully before starting the Reasoning Ability test. After reading the instructions click on the check box given below the instructions.

Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks |_4.1

Step 4: Select Language and click on Start Test to begin.

Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks |_5.1

Step 5: After you are done attempting all the questions, submit the test and upon submission your Test Summary will appear. You can check the count of questions attempted, skipped, not visited against the total no. of questions in the test.

Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks |_6.1

Step 6: Check your score card to analyse your rank, marks scored and time spent on the test. The scorecard will give you in depth analysis of your percentile, accuracy and attempted percentage. This will help you in keeping a track of your progress in course of your preparation for bank exams.

Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks |_7.1

Step 7: Check the list of Top Rankers for the test.

Computer Quiz for RBI Assistant Mains 2020: Attempt Daily Mocks |_8.1

Practice With:

If you are preparing for RBI Assistant Mains Exam, then you can also check out a video for computer below:




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