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English Grammar- Complete Guide From Basic to Advanced English grammar

No matter which banking exam you are preparing for, there is one section that is almost impossible anyone to excel in i.e English. Students score less marks in this because they have no idea which topics are important and which formulas of those topics must be revised in order to crack any banking exam. One of the important section that dominates English section is of the English Grammar. Maximum number of questions are asked from this section. There is no way you can excel this section by giving it a cold shoulder.  There are some of the tips that one must remeber while start preparing for this section, First is that you cannot master the literature and you don’t even have to for bank exams. Stick to the syllabus only as it is limited. Practice only those types of questions which are previously being asked in the examination.  Do not learn or invest your time in something that might not come in the exam. There are certain rules on which questions are asked every year so make sure you go through them well. You can get 100 rules related to each topic in English grammar but you don’t have to do all of those. Just go through the rules which are asked in exams.

The English Language is like maths. Yes! students think that they will cram the formula of all the topics in the last month or week of the exam and they will be sorted. This is one of the biggest mistakes of a student. English grammar is like maths. The more your practice it, the better you will understand it. You can never learn the formula by cramming. The only way is to practice them as much as you can. We are providing you the list of all the important English grammar topics that you must go through before sitting in the examination hall. 

The only way to get a strong hand at English Grammar is the continous revision of the formulas of the respective topics. We have given you all the detail of the important topics that one must practice to ace any banking exam. The revision of these formulas will not only help you to excel in the objective section of the exam but also in the Descriptive section of the exam as well. So make sure you revise them atleast 3 to 4 times before start practicing questions on them. A good grasp over the topic will help you to get a good grasp over the exam.

Complete Guide To English Grammar:

Basics English Grammar Rules of Noun

Basic English Grammar Rules Of Pronoun

Basic English Grammar  Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement Basic English Grammar Rules of Conditionals
Basic  English Grammar Rules of Prepositions Basic  English Grammar Rules of Adjectives

Basic English Grammar Rules Of Voices

Basic  English Grammar Rules of Verb

Basic English Grammar Rules Of Narration

Basic English Grammar Rules Of Present Tense
Basic English Grammar Rules Of Past Tense Basic English Grammar Rules Of future Tense

We advise you to go through all the topics given above in order to excel English Language section.

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