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Which is Better RBI Grade B Officer and LIC AAO Officer

RBI Grade B 2020– The Reserve Bank Of India will soon be releasing the notification for the post of Officers in Grade-B. As well as, LIC will also be  releasing the notification for the post of AAO Generalist.

Though, both the jobs offer a great opportunity for a candidate in terms of Job profile, Salary and other benefits, tremendous Career growth. But in this article we will be doing a face-off between these two jobs and will leave the choice on you to decide which one you wants to go for.

Difference between Job Profile of LIC AAO & RBI Grade-B Officer

RBI Grade B Officer- RBI Grade B officer is a very responsible job. These officers are responsible for every possible aspect on which the economy of a nation depends. From maintaining Financial Stability, Currency Issue and Circulation, Management of Government Accounts. An RBI Officer can be considered as a backbone of the administration system. If you are somebody who would like to make a direct impact on the Indian economy and is somebody who is responsible and active enough to take charge of such a big responsibility then you could be the perfect fit for this job.

LIC AAO- AAO stands for Assistant Administrative Officers. As the name suggests it is an officer level job. The main work profile is the effortless execution of implementation of all the policies on ground level. This job would be a perfect fit for somebody who has great organizational and management skills.

RBI Grade B 2020: Download Previous Year Papers

Difference Between the salary of LIC AAO & RBI Grade-B Officer

LIC AAO- As per the official notification from LIC, the basic pay of the LIC AAO  post is Rs. 32795 per month in the pay scale Rs. 32795- 1610(14) –55335– 1745(4) –62315. Thus, Making the  total gross emoluments including House Rent Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance etc is Rs 57,000/- per month in ‘A’ Class city. For a fresher, nothing can be a better start than this job at such a handsome salary.

RBI Grade-B Officer– As per the official notification from RBI, RBI Grade-B Officer  basic pay is of Rs. 35,150/- p.m. in the scale of Rs. 35150-1750 (9)-50900-EB-1750 (2)-54400-2000 (4)-62400. And they will also be given Dearness Allowance, Local allowance, House Rent Allowance, Family Allowance and Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly Gross emoluments are approximately Rs. 75,831/-(approx).

Also Read,

Start your preparation for RBI Grade B 2020

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2020 for Prelims & Mains 2020


Difference Between Career Growth of RBI Grade-B Officer and LIC AAO

LIC AAO- A candidate who joined as an Assistant Administrative officer has a very progressive career growth. Though, It usually takes 4-8 years to get promotion in LIC. The hierarchy table of Promotion is given below:

  • Assistant Administrative Officer
  • Administrative Officer
  • Divisional Manager
  • Senior Divisional Manager
  • Regional Manager
  • Zonal Manager
  • Executive Director
  • Chairman

RBI Grade B Officer- RBI Grade B officer is a job which can give you the opportunity to bring direct reforms in Indian Economy. A candidate joining as a RBI Grade B Officer can actually went onto hold the most powerful position of Governor of RBI. A position that is the ultimate dream of anyone working in banking sector. Given down below is the hierarchy table of the promotion:

  • Assistant Manager
  • Manager
  • Assistant General Manager
  • Deputy General Manager
  • General Manager
  • Chief General Manager
  •  Principal Chief General Manager
  • Executive Director
  • Deputy Governor
  • Governor

We at Adda247 has always believed in motivating our students by telling them the perks they will be getting once they will get their dream job. Use this information to push yourself beyond your limit as you could be the next Chairman of LIC or Governor of India.

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