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Coding-Decoding Reasoning, Tricks, Solved Questions

Coding-Decoding is a crucial topic in reasoning sections of banking exams, including SSC, UPSC and more. This topic tests candidates’ ability to decipher codes and decode using logical reasoning and pattern recognition. In this column, we shall explore the effective tips & tricks to solve problems of Coding-Decoding.

Coding-decoding is considered one of the highest-scoring topics, with a weightage of around 5-6 marks. The level of difficulty of coding-decoding questions varies depending on the type of exam. If you are a beginner and haven’t solved the coding-decoding questions before then it will take some time to solve the problems which is very normal so keep patience and continue practicing. Here we are going to provide you with the types of coding-decoding, questions, answers, explanations, etc.

What is Coding-Decoding?

Coding decoding is a part of the logical reasoning section used to encrypt words, numbers, and letters or something a mixture of both, in specific patterns or codes using particular rules and regulations. The same decoding is the process of retrieving the word or number from the given codes.

Coding: Coding is a process used to encrypt a word, letter, number or mixture of both in a particular code or pattern based on some set of rules.

Decoding: Decoding is the process that is used to decrypt the patterns into original forms from the given form.

Candidates can check the place value of the English alphabet in the given table.

Alphabet- Coding
Alphabet Code In Reverse Order
A 1 26
B 2 25
C 3 24
D 4 23
E 5 22
F 6 21
G 7 20
H 8 19
I 9 18
J 10 17
K 11 16
L 12 15
M 13 14
N 14 13
O 15 12
P 16 11
Q 17 10
R 18 9
S 19 8
T 20 7
U 21 6
V 22 5
W 23 4
X 24 3
Y 25 2
Z 26 1


Types Of Coding-Decoding Reasoning

Questions appeared in the banking exams( IBPS RRB, IBPS PO, Clerk) from coding-decoding are of various types. Candidates can check all the types of coding-decoding reasoning here.

Binary Coding-Decoding

In this type of coding-decoding decimal numbers are coded in the form of binary numbers such as 0 or 1. The number which has base 2 is known as a binary number. The binary number is made by 0’s and 1’s complements. So, a coded binary number consists of two processes. One is conversion of binary to decimal and another is decimal to binary.

Letters to Letters Coding-Decoding

In letter-letter coding, the candidate will need to get phrases from letters. Getting phrases from letters that we set up according to a certain sample or code is the subject of this segment on Letter-letter coding. In general, we are saying that Getting phrases from letters is an installation to choose the candidate’s capacity to decipher the guideline of thumb that codes a specific word/message and break the code. In this type of coding-decoding, the alphabet of words is added with various operations like addition, subtraction, etc.

Chinese Coding-Decoding

In these questions, all words have the same meaning but in different orders, candidates have to find out the code of every word.

Conditional Coding-Decoding

In this type of coding-decoding question, a few conditions and operations need to apply, candidates have to understand these conditions and then answer the Coding Decoding questions.

Numbers to Numbers Coding-Decoding

In this type of coding-decoding question in the reasoning ability section, only numbers are used in various forms.

Letters to Numbers Coding-Decoding

In these types of questions, letters and numbers are used like CAT12, ABE45, etc.

Coding Decoding Reasoning Tricks

Coding Decoding Reasoning Tricks: The weightage of the questions asked from the coding-decoding reasoning topic is mostly 4-6 marks and though may seem time-consuming, they are easy to solve and this is a scoring topic of the reasoning section. Here we have provided some tips tricks & concepts to solve coding-decoding reasoning questions.

Coding Decoding Tips & Tricks

  • Try to understand the pattern of codes that are given to you in question. You can use the hit-and-trial method and check for various rules.
  • While solving the coding-decoding questions try to find out the relation between the two terms, the given word and its codes should be done first.
  • The first thing while attempting coding-decoding questions is to approach them step by step. Check the code and deduce the pattern. The pattern must be visible as soon as you see the code. Try and match the pattern/ logic by arranging and rearranging the letters of the codes.
  • You can use the elimination method to simplify the quote and remove the unnecessary values.
  • Solving a bunch of questions on daily quizzes will be helpful for you in your preparation.

Preparation Tips for Coding-Decoding Section

Preparing for the Coding-Decoding section of exams requires a clear strategy. Start by thoroughly understanding the basic coding-decoding techniques used in questions. This involves recognizing common patterns and codes. Begin with simple problems to grasp the fundamental concepts, and gradually move to more complex ones. Practice regularly to improve your speed and accuracy. Make sure to read each question carefully, noting down key codes and patterns as you go. When decoding, try to identify and apply similar methods across different questions. Use the elimination method to simplify codes and discard unnecessary elements. It’s also helpful to solve a variety of practice questions to become familiar with different types of codes and patterns. The more you practice, the better you’ll understand the nuances of coding-decoding, making it easier to solve these questions in exams. Consistent practice and careful analysis will lead to improved performance in this section.

Mistakes to Avoid in Coding-Decoding Reasoning

Coding-Decoding can be sometimes challenging, often prone to certain blunders that can affect the overall marks. To maximize performance in this topic, here are some common mistakes that can be avoided in Coding-Decoding

  • Neglecting the Coding Pattern: One of the most frequent mistakes is diving straight into decoding without thoroughly analyzing the coding pattern. Rushing through the question without understanding the logic behind the coding can lead to incorrect answers.
  • Misinterpreting Symbols or Characters: Symbols or characters may be used to represent letters, numbers, or words. Misinterpreting these symbols or applying incorrect substitutions can result in erroneous decoding.
  • Ignoring Reverse Coding: Reverse coding, or decoding the given code to identify the original word or phrase, is an essential aspect of Coding-Decoding reasoning. Failing to consider reverse coding can limit your ability to accurately decode messages. Always explore both forward and reverse coding possibilities to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the coding scheme.
  • Not Checking for Consistency: Neglecting to check for consistency across all conditions can result in incorrect decoding. Verify that the decoded message aligns with all the given rules or conditions to ensure accuracy.
  • Lack of Practice: Practice is key to mastering Coding-Decoding reasoning. Failing to devote sufficient time to practice and familiarize yourself with different coding patterns and techniques can hinder your performance.

Coding-Decoding Example With Solution

Here, we are discussing the coding-decoding questions along with a brief explanation for the upcoming bank exams. Aspirants can check how to solve these questions with tricks to answer all coding-decoding questions.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

In a certain code language,

‘he deserves suffer Pain’ is written as ‘ma co te mx,

‘Pain is a healing sin’ is written as ‘mx mh la sa ox’,

‘Man suffer Pain’ is written as ‘mx te kl’

‘deserves is sin of Man’ is written as ‘kl mh co ze ox’.

Q1. What does the code ‘la’ stand for in the given code language?

(a) Pain

(b) is

(c) a

(d) healing

(e) Either (c) or (d)

Q2. What is the code for ‘sin’?

(a) kl

(b) ox

(c) mh

(d) ze

(e) Either (b) or (c)

Q3. In the given code language, which of the following means ‘a healing sin’?

(a) la sa mh

(b) sa la ox

(c) ox sa mh

(d) Cannot be determined

(e) mx mh la

Q4. What does the code ‘co’ stand for?

(a) deserves

(b) suffer

(c) he

(d) Pain

(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q5. What is the code for ‘he’ in the given code language?

(a) ma

(b) te

(c) co

(d) mx

(e) mh

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a certain code language,

‘loud of Speaker minister’ is written as `ga gmo til su’

‘hard false loud promise on’, is written as ‘kil zo gmo ye na’

‘minister false political energy’ is written as `zo ra til da’

‘political conclude of promise’ is written as `da ga nic kil’.

Q6. What is the code for ‘on’?

(a) ye

(b) na

(c) zo

(d) Either na or zo

(e) Either ye or na

Q7. What does `su’ stand for?

(a) minister

(b) loud

(c) of

(d) Speaker

(e) None of these

Q8. What is the code for ‘energy loud conclude’?

(a) nic ye til

(b) gmo ra nic

(c) ra ga gmo

(d) da ra nic

(e) None of these

Q9. Which of the following does `kil til na’ stand for?

(a) promise of loud

(b) hard loud promise

(c) minister promise hard

(d) minister promise on

(e) Either (c) or (d)

Q10. Which of the following may represent ‘beyond limits of loud’?

(a) ga zo til da

(b) ga ba gmo nee

(c) ga ba nic kil

(d) gmo ba til ra

(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

‘dumb monkeys are actors’ is coded as ‘la pa zi ta’

‘joker monkeys are dumb’ is coded as ‘pa zi la sa’

‘flower are red fool’ is coded as ‘na hi ga pa’

‘dumb pins and flower’ is coded as ‘zi mi jo ga’

Q11. How will ‘dumb joker flower’ be coded in the given language?

(a) zi la sa

(b) zi sa ga

(c) sa mi jo

(d) pa zi mi

(e) None of these

Q12. How will ‘flower are fool’ be coded in the given language?

(a) zi la sa

(b) zi sa ga

(c) sa mi jo

(d) pa zi mi

(e) None of these

Q13. What does ‘pa’ stands for?

(a) joker

(b) flower

(c) are

(d) pins

(e) None of the these

Q14. Which of the following will be coded as ‘na hi la’ in the given language?

(a) monkeys are fool

(b) red fool monkeys

(c) joker monkeys flower

(d) red dumb flower

(e) none of these

Q15. What is the code for ‘la’ stand for?

(a) monkeys

(b) flower

(c) joker

(d) fool

(e) none of these.


S1. Ans.(e)

Coding-Decoding Reasoning, Tricks, Solved Questions_3.1

S2. Ans.(e)

S3. Ans.(d)

S4. Ans.(a)

S5. Ans.(a)

S6. Ans.(e)

Coding-Decoding Reasoning, Tricks, Solved Questions_4.1

S7. Ans.(d)

S8. Ans.(b)

S9. Ans.(e)

S10. Ans.(b)

S11. Ans.(b)


Coding-Decoding Reasoning, Tricks, Solved Questions_5.1

S12. Ans.(e)

S13. Ans.(c)

S14. Ans.(b)

S15. Ans.(a)


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What is Coding-Decoding in the Reasoning Ability Section?

Coding decoding is a part of the logical reasoning section used to encrypt words, numbers, and letters, or something a mixture of both, in specific patterns or codes using particular rules and regulations. The same decoding is the process of retrieving the word or number from the given codes.

How many types of coding-decoding are in the reasoning ability section?

Some types of coding-decoding are here, Binary Coding-Decoding, Conditional Coding-Decoding, Letters to numbers Coding-Decoding, Letters to Letters Coding-Decoding, Numbers to Numbers Coding-Decoding, Chinese Coding-Decoding, etc.

In which exams coding-decoding questions are asked?

 In the aptitude test of coding-decoding several questions may be asked in all major exams like IBPS PO, Clerk, SO, SBI PO, Clerk, SO, RRB PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance exams like LIC AAO, AO, Assistant, ADO, ESIC, UPSC, State PSC, Railways, SSC, etc.

What are some tips and tricks to solve Coding-Decoding questions from the reasoning ability section?

Candidates can check all tips and tricks for solving the coding-decoding question in the above article.