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CARUNA Initiative to fight Coronavirus- IAS, IPS & others collaborate to fight COVID-19

CARUNA, the acronym for Civil Services Associations React to Support in Natural Disasters, is a new initiative launched by civil servants across the country, as an effort to support the Government of India in the means to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Civil service associations across the country, from IAS, IFS and IPS, to IFoS, IRS (IT), IRS (C&E), IRPS, IPOS, IRTS, IS & AS, ICAS, IDES, and IIS all together form CARUNA. This initiative by all the civil service bodies of India offers a technology and platform which would support the Indian Government in its fight against COVID-19, which is on a significant rise. 

In addition to the civil servants mentioned above, CARUNA’s unique collaborative platform will also bring together many leaders of different industries, IT professionals as well as NGOs and other workers together to target the pandemic and eventually bring forth ideas that could not just reduce the virus, but also stop it from recurring. The CARUNA initiative aims to use the widespread network which goes deep into the roots of the country, to supplement the efforts of the Government’s 11 selected and empowered groups which are already addressing the concerns related to COVID-19. 


Though announced quite recently, through the CARUNA Initiative, civil servants across the country aim to use their widespread network to collect information and databases of people who may have migrated recently. Additionally, they will also be collecting information and ensuring the distribution of essential supplies like rice, flour, etc, along with medical equipment such as ventilators, hand sanitizers, masks, PPE, etc. to people of rural areas. 

This initiative will eventually prove to be very efficient, especially when it comes to mapping the progress of the Government’s efforts to curb the pandemic in the district and sub-district levels. This is because civil servants are spread across every district in the country, which will make the work easier. Moreover, since civil servants will be directly working with people and social groups and organizations, they will be able to highlight the requirements along with the shortages and necessary steps needed to be taken in their respective districts in a much easier and better way. CARUNA initiative will also work towards the augmentation of human resources, along with the supply chain facilitation, dissemination of information, public awareness, data management as well as welfare measures in the district levels, amongst other things. 

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The CARUNA Initiative already has a 10-day action plan ready to be implemented. This plan will ensure the operationalisation of support to both the government as well as the field-level officials. Furthermore, it has also created various themes on providing people (such as healthcare orders) with training support, capacity building, and other important functions. Civil servants have also collated a database of health equipment manufacturers, in addition to mitigating the migration-related issues and temporary shelter requirements. A particular section of the initiative is also working on issues related to food security. Every specific responsibility under the CARUANA initiative is being assumed by a dedicated team/s of members, who are doing their absolute best to combat the pandemic. 

The major focus of this 10-day plan is towards extending support to the field operatives while ensuring that they can work to the best of their capabilities. 

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