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CAIIB HRM Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022

CAIIB HRM Syllabus 2022: In CAIIB Exam 2022 candidates are provided with an option to choose the Elective Paper of their choice. There are various options available to the aspirants but they decide their Elective Paper according to their field of interest. Many candidates opt for the paper Human Resource Management(HRM). The strategy-based method to manage people in an organization effectively and efficiently so that the organization get boost up is mainly dealt in Human Resource Management. In this article, we have provided complete information about CAIIB HRM syllabus & exam pattern, topic wise weightage and the role of HRM in Banking.

CAIIB HRM Subject: Introduction

A Multidisciplinary Subject that involves the study of management, communication, psychology, economics and sociology is called Human Resource Management(HRM). HRM is also known as Personnel Management as it deals with the people. In HRM the strategies, structure and practices which put an impact on the behavior, attitude and performance of the employees are dealt with. The elements of HRM in any organization are the People, Management, and Behavioral Dynamics. 

CAIIB HRM Exam Pattern

The Indian Institute of Banking & Finance(IIBF) provides the Exam Pattern for CAIIB. The CAIIB Exam for the Elective Paper Human Resource Management(HRM) will be conducted in Online Medium. The HRM Paper will comprise 100 Questions of 100 marks and for which time period of 2 Hours will be allotted. CAIIB Exam for the HRM Elective Paper will be Bilingual i.e. both in English and Hindi Language. There is one relief factor for the aspirants as there is no negative marking in the CAIIB Exam 2022. The questions asked in the CAIIB HRM Paper will be Conceptual, One liner, and Case study based.

CAIIB HRM Syllabus

CAIIB Elective Paper Human Resource Management(HRM) syllabus consists of four modules for the CAIIB Exam 2022: Human Resources Management, Building an HR Strategy, Motivation, Training & Skill Development, and Personal Management & Industrial Relations. Candidates must be thorough with the complete syllabus to qualify CAIIB Exam 2022.

Module A: Human Resources Management

  • Concepts, Policies, and Practices: Fundamentals of HRM; Importance of Human Capital, Management of transformation, New insights into HR Management and contemporary issues, Relationship between HRM and HRD; Structure and Functions, Policies and Practices, Role of HRD professional, Development of HRM in India.
  • Behavioral Dynamics in organizations: Person – Job Fit, Group Dynamics, Group Problem Solving and effectiveness, Leadership and Teambuilding, Change Management, Human Response – Implications of benchmarking; TQM, BPR, ISO 9000 Series and other techniques for Organizational Improvement and Management of Service Industry; Quality Circles. Six Sigma and its implication in organizational development.
  • Organizational Change and Development: Responsibility Charting, Conditions for Optimal Success, Role of Change Agent and Managing Change.
  • HRM in Banks: Traditional Role of Human Resources Department in Banks, Expectations from HR Department, Conflict of new initiatives with work culture and capacity, Major HRM challenges facing Banks, Core Banking and HR challenges,
  • Knowledge management in Banks: Need for Knowledge Management Officer, Role in the Banks, HRM and Information Technology, Information and Database Management, Preparation and updation of Manuals and job cards, Linkage with Educational Institutions.

Module B: Building an HR strategy

  • Strategy Formulation and implementation: Need for a distinctive HR strategy, Formulating the strategy; a connecting strategy to the organization, aligning HR Systems with decision framework, Relationship between Sustainable strategic success and performance of the organization, Execution of strategy: Role of CEO, Executive Team, and line Managers, Succession Planning, HRD Audit, Effectiveness of HRD, Best HR practices in banks.
  • Organizational Communication: Barriers to Communications, Steps for effective communication in the organization
  • Manpower Planning: Recruitment, Selection, Placement, and Promotion. Recruitment Vs Outsourcing: Concept and Feasibility of Outsourcing, advantages, disadvantages, and constraints, Compensation; incentive system linked to productivity, dealing with attrition.
  • Performance Management and Appraisal Systems: Performance Appraisal System, Role of PAS, Emerging Trends, 360-degree performance Appraisal, Appraisal Vs Feedback, Competency Mapping, Key Performance Areas (KPA).

Module C: Motivation, Training and Skill Development

  • Human implications of Organizations; Learning and instructions, Learning Processes, Employee Behavior, Theories of Motivation and their practical implications, Motivational strategies, Reward and Incentive schemes, job enrichment, job rotation. Employee development strategies and Techniques.
  • Training and Development; Attitude development, Role and impact of training, Career Path Planning and Counseling, Changing face of Banking, Future of Bank Education, Identification of Training Needs.
  • Training Methodology; subject matters of Training, Training infrastructure in Banks, outsourcing of Training, On – the job training, Management of conflict between Training and operations due to manpower constraints, Development of soft skills and communications. Developing competencies through e-learning, virtual learning, and self-directed learning. Training measurement and impact.

Module D: Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

  • The personnel functions; Legal aspects of personnel functions, trade unionism, and Industrial Relations; Industrial Relations and Negotiations in the Indian Banking Industry, Collective Bargaining Concepts; Bipartite Settlements in Banking, Employee Welfare; Policies and Schemes.
  • Grievance Redressal and Discipline; Mechanism and Processes, Discipline Management including Domestic Enquiry, Role of Management and Functions, Conflict Management and Resolution, Frauds in Banks, Risks attached to Delegation of Financial Powers; Precautions and Controls, need for a vigilance Department in Bank, Diversity and Gender Issues, Dealing with the cases of Sexual harassment.
  • Workers’ Participation in Management, Experience of Employee Participation in the Indian banking industry.

CAIIB HRM Topic Wise Weightage

Some of the topics in Human Resource Management(HRM) that must be covered for CAIIB Exam 2022 are mentioned below. Aspirants must be thorough with the basic concepts of each topic. If the candidates are clear with the concept then it will be useful to them in solving case studies and numerical.

  • Fundamentals of HRM
  • Development of HR
  • Human Implications of HR
  • Employee Feedback and Reward System
  • Performance Management
  • HRM and IT

Role of Human Resource Management(HRM) in Banking

Banking is always considered as the People Business. The role of Human Resource Management(HRM) in Banking is very important. The two major responsibilities for a bank is to manage its people and manage the risk. The employees trained in Human Resource Management manage the risk efficiently as they are skilled in this field. Factors of Production such as the land, labor, capital function effectively and meet the objectives of the bank under the guidance of HR. Before HR Department in Banking was considered as cost center but now it is known as profit center.

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FAQs: CAIIB HRM Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022

Q.1 What do you mean by Human Resource Management(HRM)?

Ans. A Multidisciplinary Subject that involves the study of management, communication, psychology, economics and sociology is called Human Resource Management(HRM).

Q.2 What type of questions are asked from the topic of HRM?

Ans. The type of questions asked from the topic of Human Resource Management(HRM) are Conceptual, One Liner, and Case Study based.

Q.3 What is the detailed syllabus of Human Resource Management(HRM)?

Ans. The detailed syllabus of HRM of all the four modules is discussed in the article above.

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