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Bhai Dooj

Adda247 wishes you all a very Happy Bhai Dooj. 

Bhai Dooj  is a Hindu festival that celebrates the affection between a brother and a sister on the second day after the new moon in the Hindu month of Kartika (October/November). It falls on the fifth and the last day of the five-day-long Diwali festival.

There are many stories revolving around bhai dooj origination. One story states that Yamraj, the Lord of Death, visited his sister Yami on this day. She welcomed him warmly by applying a tilak on his forehead. The idea is that anyone who receives a tilak from his sister on this day is saved the agony of hell-fire. The brother and sister who celebrates this festival together are blessed with a long and fruitful life by Yamraj himself, who also ate on this day with his sister.

Another legend has it that after Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasur, he visited his sister Subhadra on dooj day. She gave him a traditional, affectionate welcome by  applying tilak.

Sometimes it is connected with Bhagwan Mahavir. After Mahavir attained nirvana, his brother, Raja Nandivardhan, felt depressed and dejected due to his long absence. He was comforted by Sudarshana, his sister. Ever since, Bhai Dooj has been dedicated to the caring spirit of sisters.

So, whichever story you follow, celebrate the festival with smile on your face.

Happy Bhai Dooj!!


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