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Basic English Grammar Rules Of Adjectives

If you are banking aspirants then you must be knowing the importance of English Language section. It can easily fetch you some very good marks if attempted carefully and with accuracy. Especially Grammar is very important section as it  forms majority of the questions that are asked in the examination. In this article, we will be covering one of the most important topic of English grammar that is Adjectives. 

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An Adjective is a describing word that qualifies a noun or a pronoun

Example- Sita is a good girl.

Here good is adjective

☞Rule-1 Words that refer to the adjective of quantity like much, LITTLE, ENOUGH, SUFFICIENT, WHOLE, etc. must be used with uncountable nouns only as they express quantity and not a number. 

Ex.-Many (not much) girls are absent from the class today. 

Many (not much) girls failed in the examination. 

☞Rule-2 The use of words like ‘few’, ‘a few’, and ‘the few’ should be used with care they denote number. Few means ‘NOT MANY’.

Few have a negative meaning 

A few refer to ‘SOME AT LEAST’ 

The few means refers to ‘WHATEVER THERE IS’.

Ex. I read a few novels.

I read a few novels.

I Read the few novels I had.

A few women are true from fault. (Incorrect)

Few women are true from fault. (Correct)

☞Rule-3 Use of words like little, a little, the little 

Little refers to ‘hardly any’ in quantity. 

Ex.-She had little money

There is little water in the vase. 

There is a little hope of his recovery (Incorrect)

There is little hope of his recovery (Correct)

A little refers to ‘Some’ in quantity if not much. 

Ex.-Little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. (Incorrect)

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (correct) 

She had a little money. 

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☞Rule-4 Words which refer to the adjective of number must be used only with the countable nouns and not with uncountable as they indicate the number and not quantity. 

Ex-I have taken many kinds of milk yesterday. (Incorrect)

I have taken much milk yesterday. (Correct)

☞Rule-5 Words like Some, All, Any, No. Most etc. may be used both as adjectives of number and Adjectives of quantity as they can express a number as well as quantity. 

Ex.-There are no girls in the class (Adj. of Number)

There is no milk in the bottle. (Adj. of quantity)

☞Rule-6 Words refer to comparative adjectives, ending with like superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, anterior, posterior, exterior, etc. Take ‘to after them and not ‘than’.

Ex.-She is a senior to me. (Incorrect)

She is senior to me. (Correct)

☞Rule-7 Words which are double comparative adjectives or double superlative adjectives must not be used. 

She is more senior than me. (Incorrect) 

She is senior to me. (Correct) 

☞Rule-8 Words which refer to a Comparative degree must be used when the comparison is between two persons of things and a superlative degree when the comparison is among more than two things. 

Ex.-Who is the tallest of these two sisters? (Incorrect)

Who is taller of these two sisters? (Correct)

☞Rule-9 Words which refers to comparative ending in ‘er’ is not used when we compare two qualities in the same person or thing. In that case we use ‘more’ before the Adjective. 

Ex.- Sita is braver than wise. (Incorrect)

Sita is braver than wise (Correct)

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☞Rule-10 Use of words like (Later, Latter; latest, last)

Later and Latest denotes shows time

Latter and last denotes shows the position

Ex.-She latter refused to come (Incorrect)

She later refused to come. (Correct)

☞Rule-11 Use of words like farther, further; farthest, furthest

Farther, Farthest refers to the distance 

Further, Furthest refers to next, also (position)

Ex.-After this she made no farther statement. (Incorrect)

After this she made no further statement. (Correct)

☞Rule-12 ‘THE’ must (always) placed before superlative adjectives articles

Ex.-She is the best girl in the class.  

☞Rule-13 Use of words like Nearest, next

Nearest denotes distance while Next denotes position. 

Ex.-She was sitting next to me. 

☞Rule-14 Use of words like Elder, older; Eldest, oldest.

Elder and eldest denotes members of the same family.

Older and oldest are used for persons or things of the same family. 

☞Rule-15 Use of words like less and fewer 

Less denotes Quantity 

Fewer denotes Number 

Ex.-There is less sugar in your tea than in mine. (Incorrect)

There is less sugar in your tea than in mine. (Correct)

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☞Rule-16 Some adjectives like Perfect, Ideal, Full, Chief, Unique, Complete, Infinite, Extreme, Entire, Universal, Empty, Impossible, Unanimous, square, sound, etc. are not compared as they express meaning which does not admit of any variation of degrees. 

Ex.- Her achievement was unique. (Correct) 

Her knowledge is almost perfect. (Incorrect)

☞Rule-17 When the comparison is introduced in a sentence and has ‘ANY’ after it, the things compared must always be excluded from the class of things with which it is compared, by using ‘OTHER’

Ex.-Rajasthan is larger than any city in India. (Incorrect)

Rajasthan is larger than any other city in India (Correct)

☞Rule-18 ‘Each’ is used to indicate a limited number and ‘EVERY’ to denote an unlimited number in selection or choice in a sentence. 

Ex.-Everyone of the two girls was given a prize. (Incorrect)

Each one of the two girls was given a prize (Correct)

☞Rule-19 Words like “Some” is used in the affirmative sentence “any” is used in a negative and interrogative sentence. 

I don’t want some snacks. (Incorrect)

I don’t want any snacks (Correct)

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