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Bank Holidays in June 2023, Check State Wise Bank Holiday List

Bank Holidays in June 2023

In the month of June, there are a total of 12 bank holidays. Note that banks are closed on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, as well as on all Sundays, which are standard weekly holidays. Expect that there are a few other holidays that all must keep in mind before visiting the Bank. Out of the 12 bank holidays in June, six of them are observed as per the guidelines of the Negotiable Instruments Act, which governs banking holidays in India. The remaining six holidays are considered weekend holidays and include Saturdays and Sundays, which are regular weekly holidays for banks. Here candidates can check out the Bank Holidays in June 2023.

Bank Holidays in June 2023 in Hindi: जून में 12 दिन बंद रहेगें बैंक!, नोट बदलवाने या कोई काम है तो देख लें लिस्ट

Bank Holidays in India

It is crucial for all to understand that bank holidays in India are officially granted or recognized by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). As the regulatory authority of the banking sector, the RBI classifies bank holidays into three categories.

  • Holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act
  • Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act and Real Time Gross Settlement Holiday
  • Banks’ Closing of Account.

Bank Holidays in June 2023

Here is the list of holidays in the bank. The candidates can check the list of holidays state wise.

Date Day Holiday States
4 June 2023 Sunday Weekly Bank Holiday All states
10 June 2023 Saturday Second Saturday All states
11 June 2023 Sunday Weekly Bank Holiday All states
15 June 2023 Thursday Raja Sankranti Odisha, Mizoram
18 June 2023 Sunday Weekly Bank Holiday All states
20 June 2023 Tuesday Rath Yatra Odisha
24 June 2023 Saturday Fourth Saturday All states
25 June 2023 Sunday Weekly Bank Holiday All states
26 June 2023 Monday Kharchi Puja Tripura
28 June 2023 Wednesday Eid-ul-Azha Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Kerala
29 June 2023 Thursday Eid-ul-Azha or Bakra Eid All states
30 June 2023 Friday Reema Eid-ul-Azha Mizoram, Odisha


Bank Holidays in June 2023, Check State Wise Bank Holiday List_4.1

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Where can I find the list of Bank Holidays In June?

The article above has the complete list of Bank Holidays in June.

How are Bank Holidays in India differentiated?

Bank Holidays in India are differentiated into Holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act, Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act and Real Time Gross Settlement Holiday, Banks’ Closing of Account.

How many Bank Holidays in June 2023?

There are a total of 12 Bank Holidays in June 2023.