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Bank Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 For IBPS, SBI, RBI Exams

Bank Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025 For IBPS, SBI, RBI Exams_2.1

Bank exams like IBPS, SBI, NABARD and RBI are highly competitive and serve as gateways to prestigious careers in the banking sector. As aspirants gear up for the 2025 exams, understanding the syllabus and exam pattern is the first step toward effective preparation. These exams typically consist of three stages: Prelims, Mains and Interviews, each designed to test candidates’ aptitude, reasoning, and banking knowledge. The syllabus covers key areas such as Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, General Awareness and Computer Knowledge, with slight variations across different exams. Familiarity with the exam pattern, including the number of questions, marking scheme, and time limits, is crucial for strategizing and maximizing performance.

Bank Exam Syllabus 2025

The competitive exam in the banking sector is generally conducted for two positions i.e. Clerk & Scale I Officer (Probationary Officer/Specialist Officer).  The former is a two-tier process (pre + main) while the latter is a three-tier process (Pre + Main + Interview). Some of the prominent banking exams are IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer Scale I, Officer Scale-II, RBI Grade B, RBI Assistant, SBI Clerk, SBI PO, etc. Today, in this article we will provide the entire bank exams syllabus 2025, along with the pattern of the examination which will help you in acing up your performance for the upcoming examination.

Bank Exam Syllabus 2025
Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning English Language General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness Computer Aptitude
Number Series Puzzle Reading Comprehension Banking and Financial Awareness Internet
Simplification & Approximation Syllogism Error Detection Current Affairs (5-6 Months) Memory
Ratio & Proportion, Partnership  Seating Arrangement Vocabulary Static Awareness Keyboard Shortcuts
Percentage Input-Output Phrase Replacement Computer Abbreviation
Mixtures & Allegations Blood Relation Sentence Improvement Microsoft Office
Average & ages Direction sense Para Jumbles Computer Hardware
Profit & Loss Coding-Decoding Cloze Test Computer Software
Time and work & Pipe and cistern Inequalities Spelling Errors Operating System
Simple Interest & Compound Interest Data Sufficiency Fill in the blanks Networking
Time & Distance, Boat & stream Logical Reasoning Column Based Fillers Computer Fundamentals/ Terminologies
Permutation, Combination & Probability Sentence Connectors Number System
Mensuration (2D&3D) Word Replacement Basic of Logic Gates
Data Interpretation

( Bar, line, pie, mixed, missing, arithmetic, radar),

Word Usage
Caselet DI Sentence Rearrangement
Quadratic Equation Sentence Completion

Bank Exam Pattern 2025

The first step towards the banking exam preparation journey is to have a detailed analysis of the syllabus and examination pattern. The examination pattern of most of the banking exams is similar. The first stage of banking exams i.e. preliminary stage consists of the following sections:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning Ability
  • English Language

Bank Prelims Exam Pattern

The preliminary exam pattern of most of the banking exams for the post of clerical cadre and Probationary Officers is the same. The difference arises in the difficulty level of the questions asked in the exam. The pattern of the prelims exam is as follows:

Bank Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
S. No. Name of Test No. of Question Maximum Marks Duration
1. English Language 30 30 20 Minutes
2. Reasoning 35 35 20 Minutes
3. Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

Bank Mains Exam Pattern

The main examination includes an advanced level of Data Interpretation & Analysis, English Language, and Reasoning Ability in addition to General Awareness in the form of current affairs/banking affairs/financial awareness, etc.

For Clerk Post

The exam pattern of the mains exam for the recruitment of clerical cadre is as follows:

Bank Mains Exam Pattern 2025 For Clerk
Subjects No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
English Language 40 40 35 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
Total 190 200 160 minutes

For the Probationary Officer(PO) post

The PO main exam pattern consists of an objective paper as well as descriptive paper. The main exam pattern is as follows:

Bank Mains Exam Pattern For PO
Sr.No. Name of the Test No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
 1 Reasoning & Computer Aptitude

Section A

Section B

45 60 60 minutes
 2 English Language

Section A

Section B

35 40 40 minutes
 3 Data Analysis & Interpretation

Section A

Section B

35 60 45 minutes
4 General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 40 35 minutes
Total 155 200 180 minutes
 5 English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 2 25 30 minutes

The descriptive paper of the main exam consists of  English Language( Letter writing and essay section). There are 2 questions from this section for which 30 minutes is allotted and it can fetch you 25 maximum marks.

After qualifying the prelims and mains examination successfully candidates have to go for an interview session. When cleared all these three sections a candidate is qualified for the post of Probationary Officer.

Bank Exam Pattern For SO

Prelims Exam Pattern For SO

Below, you’ll find the Exam Pattern for SO for different posts, including Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer, and more.

> For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari
Bank Prelims Exam Pattern For SO
Sr. No. Name of Tests No. of
Medium of Exam Duration
1. English Language 50 25 English 40 minutes
2. Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
3. General Awareness with Special
Reference to the Banking Industry
50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
Total 150 125 120 minutes

> For the Post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

Bank  Prelims Exam Pattern For SO
Sr. No. Name of Tests  No. of
Medium of Exam Duration
1. English Language 50 25 English 40 minutes
2. Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
Total 150 125 120 minutes

Mains Exam Pattern For SO Posts

The Pattern for Mains Exam includes the Professional Knowledge for various Posts.

For the Posts of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

Bank Mains Exam Pattern For SO
Name of the Test No. of
Medium of
Professional Knowledge 60 60 English & Hindi 45 minutes
> For the Post of Rajbhasha Adhikari
Bank Mains Exam Pattern For SO
Name of the Test  No. of
Maximum Marks  Medium of Exam Duration 
Professional Knowledge (Objective) 45 60  English & Hindi  30 minutes
Professional Knowledge (Descriptive) 2  English & Hindi  30 minutes

Syllabus for Bank Exams 2025

Before starting the preparation for the examination, the wise thing to do is to know what exactly you have to study. Many a time students work hard, give ample amount of time but still fail to grab the selection. One of the reasons that we can figure out is that students generally don’t stick to the syllabus. They spend so much time solving a higher level of question that they forget that the first stage is prelims and the questions asked in it are of foundation to moderate level while in mains the level of questions is moderate to high. The majority of the students can’t qualify for the first stage because they don’t have the speed.

You shouldn’t give a mock test of a high difficulty level because it will serve no purpose for you. Knowing the syllabus and sticking to it is one of the golden rules that students need to learn and understand to ace the banking sector exams.

Generally, the syllabus of all the major banking exams remains the same. The direct links to view the syllabus of all the major exams conducted by IBPS are mentioned below:

Bank Exam Syllabus 2025
IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus SBI Clerk Syllabus
IBPS RRB PO Syllabus SBI PO Syllabus
IBPS Clerk Syllabus SBI SO Syllabus
IBPS PO Syllabus IBPS SO Syllabus
RBI Assistant Syllabus LIC ADO Syllabus
NABARD Grade A Syllabus RBI Grade B Syllabus

Bank Exam Selection Procedure

Candidates must know the selection procedure of the various job profiles in the banking sector as it will shape their preparations for all the stages. Below is the Bank Selection Procedure for various posts

Bank Exam Selection Procedure

Posts Selection Procedure
Bank Clerk (Office Assistant) The selection process of a Bank Clerk consists of only two stages:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Mains Examination
Bank PO (Probationary Officer) The selection process of a Bank PO consists of 3 Stages:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Mains Examination
  • Interview
Bank SO (Specialist Officer) The recruitment of a Bank SO will consist of two stages:

  • Common Written Examination
  • Interview


What are the subjects candidates should prepare to crack Bank Exam 2025?

Candidates need to study quantitative aptitude, English language, reasoning ability, and general awareness to crack Bank Exam 2025.

What is the minimum educational qualification required to apply for the Bank PO and Clerk exam 2025?

For the recruitment of Bank PO and Clerk, candidates must be a graduate from a government-recognized university. 

Are freshers eligible for Bank Exam?

Yes! Freshers are eligible for Bank Exams.

How many vacancies are released for the Bank Exams annually?

On average, more than 50,000 vacancies are released annually for Bank Exams.

Is there an interview in all bank exam recruitment Process?

No, there is no interview round for bank exam clerical level recruitment.