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AIC Syllabus 2021 Download MT & HO Syllabus & Exam Pattern

AIC Management Trainees Syllabus & Exam Pattern: The Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited will be conducting an examination in January 2022 to recruit 31 eligible candidates for the post of Management Trainee and Hindi Officer Scale-1. All the applicants need to start their preparations from now to ensure scoring maximum marks in the actual examination. To prepare efficiently candidates must check the AIC Management Trainees Syllabus 2021 and exam pattern thoroughly as it will help them cover all the important topics that can be asked in the examination. In this article, we will be looking at the AIC Management Trainees Syllabus, Exam Pattern, selection process, and other important details, so keep reading.

AIC Recruitment Selection Process

Agriculture Insurance Company Selection will be done through Online Examination and then Interview.

AIC Syllabus 2021 Download MT & HO Syllabus & Exam Pattern_3.1


The candidates have to appear for the Online Examination (Objective & Descriptive) of a total of 150 marks of 2 ½ hours (150 minutes) duration. The Minimum qualifying marks in the online examination is 60% for General, OBC & EWS, and 55% for SC/ST. The online examination will be held in January 2022 (tentative). The dates of Examinations are liable to be changed at the Company’s discretion. The = details of the online test is as follows :

For Management Trainees

The AIC exam 2021 for management trainee post will be conducted online and will be in objective and descriptive in nature. Candidates will be allotted the time period of total of 150 minutes to complete the examination. Candidates can check the detailed table of exam patterns for management trainee posts from the table provided below.

S. No. Name of test Type of test Maximum marks No. of questions Medium of Exam Duration
1 Test of Reasoning Objective 25 25 Eng/Hindi 75 minutes
2 Test of English Language Objective 20 20 English
3 Test of General
Objective 20 20 Eng/Hindi
4 Test of Quantitative
aptitude & Computer
Objective 25 25 Eng/Hindi
5 Professional Test to
assess technical and
professional knowledge
in the relevant discipline
Objective 35 35 Eng/Hindi 30 minutes
6 Descriptive English TestEssay, precise and
Descriptive 25 3 English Only 45 minutes

For Hindi Officer

Similar, to the management trainee post, the hindi officer post exam also consists of both objective and descriptive. The detailed exam pattern of the hindi officer is provided below.

S. No. Name of test Type of test Maximum marks No. of questions Medium of Exam Duration
1 Test of Reasoning Objective 25 25 Eng/Hindi 50 minutes
2 Test of General
Objective 20 20 Eng/Hindi
3 Test of translation
(English to Hindi and
Hindi to English)
Objective 20 20 Eng/Hindi
4 Test of Hindi and English
grammar/ vocabulary +
knowledge of Act & Rules
regarding Official
Language implementation
Objective 40 40 Eng/Hindi 30 minutes
5 Test of Hindi Language
Essay, precise and
Comprehension & Hindi
& English grammar +
translation from English to
Hindi and Hindi to English
(Test) + Hindi typing,
Descriptive 50 5 Eng/Hindi 70 minutes
  • Exam for all disciplines will be conducted in the same session.
  • The Descriptive Test will be conducted only through online mode.
  •  Negative Marks for Wrong Answers: There will be negative marks for the wrong answers, 1/4th of the allotted marks (in objective tests) will be deducted for each wrong answer. If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
  •  Candidates will have to appear for the online examination at their own expense.
  • The Company reserves the right to relax/extend the eligibility standard in respect of minimum prescribed
    marks in Online examination, in order to enhance/restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on performance in the Online examination and to commensurate with the number of vacancies.


  • Candidates who have been qualified in the Online examination will be ranked in the order of merit and will
    be called for an interview to be conducted by the Company.
  • The company reserves the right to fix the eligibility standards in order to restrict/enhance the candidates to be called for interviews commensurate to the number of vacancies.
  • The number of candidates to be called for interview will be about three times the number of vacancies
    to be filled in subject to the availability of successful candidates in the Online examination and will be as per their ranking in their respective category/discipline.
  • All the candidates having the same cut-off score as the last shortlisted candidate shall be called for an Interview.
  • Maximum Interview marks are 50, Company reserves the right to fix the minimum marks to qualify in the interview.

AIC Management Trainee Syllabus 2021

Candidates are advised to check the AIC Management trainee syllabus 2021 provided in the table below.

General Awareness Quantitative aptitude  English Language Computer Literacy Reasoning
Indian freedom struggle

Mughal Empire

Buddhism and Jainism

Concepts of Budgeting

Science and Technology

Article of Constitution

Chief ministers and Governors

Famous SItes in India

Indian towns on river banks

Algebraic Equations

Comparison of Quantity

Data Sufficiency

Mixture and Alligation


Number Series

Number System


Simplification and Approximation

Idioms and Phrases


Conditional Sentences




Odd Man Out

Match the Following


Cloze Test

Computer Aptitude

Type of Computer

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Office

Computer Shortcut Keys

Computer Network

Components of computer

OSI Model


blood relation


cause and effect



decision making

direction distance reasoning

counting figures

FAQs: AIC Management Trainees Syllabus 2021

Q. When will the AIC conduct the AIC Management Trainee Exam 2021?

Ans. The AIC will conduct the AIC Management Trainee Exam 2021 tentatively in the month of January 2022.

Q. What is the syllabus of the AIC Management Trainee exam 2021?

Ans. The AIC Management trainee exam 2021 syllabus is provided in the article above.

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