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Agriculture and Rural Development Quizzes For NABARD Grade A 2022- 5th August

Q1. Which branch of agriculture deals with breeding and caring of animals for specific purpose? It is also described as studying biology of animals.
(a) Agronomy
(b) Horticulture
(c) Animal Science
(d) Agricultural engineering
(e) Zoology

Q2. Name the farming concept in which farming inputs are used effectively with subsequent improvements in profits and environmentally less burdensome production.
(a) Intensive subsistence farming
(b) Extensive agriculture
(c) Shifting agriculture
(d) Precision Agriculture
(e) Integrated farming system

Q3. Planting maize during long rains, then beans during the short rains. What type of cropping system is this?
(a) Crop Rotation
(b) Intercropping
(c) Monocropping
(d) Sequential cropping
(e) Mixed cropping

Q4. Dropping a cover crop seed into a soybean crop before its maturity is covered in which type of technique or cropping system?
(a) Monoculture
(b) Relay Intercropping
(c) Strip cropping
(d) Double cropping
(e) None of these

Q5. The ability of a soil to provide agricultural plant growth giving consistent quality yield by supplying essential plant nutrients is called as:
(a) Soil depletion
(b) Soil fertility
(c) Acid soil
(d) Soil productivity
(e) Not specifies

Q6. Which soil is mostly available in India and is widely spread in northern plains and river valleys?
(a) Red soil
(b) Forest soil
(c) Sub mountain soil
(d) Alluvial Soil
(e) Black cotton soil

Q7. What are the criteria or maximum limit assistance under Soil Health Card scheme?
(a) Rs. 6500 per hectare
(b) Rs. 5500 per hectare
(c) Rs. 4500 per hectare
(d) Rs. 2500 per hectare
(e) Rs. 1500 per hectare

Q8. Name the type of erosion which is also known as ice erosion.
(a) Glacial erosion
(b) Gravitational erosion.
(c) Wind erosion
(d) Water erosion
(e) Soil erosion

Q9. Most of the atmospheric water is present in troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere. What is the percentage of total water present in atmosphere?
(a) 0.0001%
(b) 0.001%
(c) 0.01%
(d) 0.1%
(e) 1%

Q10. Emitters allows water to flow at very slow and steady speed. Which type of emitter is used in Drip irrigation system?
(a) Porous pipe emitter
(b) Pre-installed emitter
(c) Punch in emitter
(d) All the above
(e) None of these


S1. Ans (c)
Sol. There are five specialized branches of agriculture that includes Animal science as one of them. Animal science deals with breeding and caring of animals for specific purpose. It deals with production and management of farm animals.

S2. Ans (d)
Sol. 162. Precision agriculture also known as satellite farming, it is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra field variability of crops. The inputs are used in precise amounts to get increased yields. The precision farming developments are looking ahead to provide environmentally friendly agriculture in future.

S3. Ans (d)
Sol. Planting maize during long rains, then beans during the short rains. This involves growing two crops in a year but one after the other. If two or more crops are grown in a year on the same land, the system is referred to as double cropping or non-overlapped cropping; it is a type of multiple cropping. Sequential cropping requires sowing of the next crop and harvesting of the previous crop to be done simultaneously or in quick succession.

S4. Ans (b)
Sol. A technique or cropping system where two or more different crops are planted at different times in the same field and both crops spend at least some part of the year growing together is called relay cropping. Relay cropping is also known as overlapping cropping. The main reason is to use the moisture retained by the previous crop.

S5. Ans (b)
Sol. Soil fertility is the ability of a soil to provide agricultural plant growth giving consistent quality yield. The fertile soil has certain properties like there is no presence of toxic substance that would hamper the growth of plant and it has ability to provide required nutrients to the plant. Soil pH should be in the range of 5.5 to 7.0.

S6. Ans (d)
Sol. Alluvial soil is mostly available in India and it covers near about 43% of the area. They are formed by the silt deposited by the Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra Rivers. In coastal regions alluvial soil is formed by the wave action. The soil is porous and has loamy nature with light or ash grey in colour.

S7. Ans (d)
Sol. Soil Health Card scheme is a scheme launched by government of India in February 2015. Under the scheme, SHC will be provided to all farm holdings in a country at an interval of 2 years to help farmers provide nutrients for production and improving soil fertility. It is field specific detailed report of soil fertility status, it provides an advisory on soil test and use of fertilizers accordingly. The criteria for assistance or the maximum limit is Rs. 2500 per hectare.

S8. Ans (a)
Sol. Glacial erosion is also known as ice erosion. This is most common in cold regions at high altitudes. Large moving glaciers and soil comes in contact with each other i.e. soil sticks to the base of the glaciers and as the glaciers starts melting in its course, it goes on depositing soil.

S9. Ans (b)
Sol. About three-fourth of the Earth’s surface is covered with water and this water exists in different forms. Oceans constitute for about the majority 97% of total water, water in the form of icecaps and glaciers constitute 2.38% of total water, groundwater amounts to 0.397% of total water; surface water from lakes, rivers, streams, ponds constitute 0.022% of total water, and the water present in atmosphere amounts to 0.001% of the total water. Regarding water consumption by various fields, agriculture tops the list by requiring about 42% of fresh water; then around 39% is used in hydro power plants for electricity production; then about 11% is consumed domestically and commercially in both rural and urban areas; and around 8% is used by the manufacturing and mining industries.

S10. Ans (d)
Sol. Drip emitters are famous due to their ability to deliver water at very slow and steady speed by allowing water seep into root system and keeping surface dry. Mostly they are installed at ground level, but few manufacturers make emitters such a way that they can be attached to stake and held above ground. There are four types of emitters used in drip irrigation system: porous pipe, pre-installed, punch-in and micro sprinkler head emitters.

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