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Agriculture and Rural Development Quizzes For NABARD Grade A 2022- 19th August

Q1. Which of the following is the viral infection disease that affects poultry?
(a) Fowl Cholera
(b) Pullorum
(c) Fowl Typhoid
(d) Mycoplasma disease
(e) None of these

Q2. India state of forestry report (2017) was released, in which of the following state has the largest area of forest cover?
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Kerala
(c) Tripura
(d) Mizoram
(e) Uttarakhand

Q3. Which of the following is not under the development of social forestry programme?
(a) Farm forestry
(b) Community forestry
(c) Strip plantations
(d) Control of government
(e) None of these

Q4. Which of the following are the characteristics of a social Forestry?
(a) Mixed production system viz grasses, fodder fruits, fibre etc. are followed.
(b) Amending land laws wherever necessary to facilitate and motivate individuals to take up to social forestry.
(c) Sharing of revenues accruing from social forestry plantations.
(d) Making appropriate regulations that should govern the felling of trees of private holding.
(e) All of the above

Q5. Agri-based integrated fish farming system contains which of the following?
(a) Cattle-Fish system
(b) Duck-Fish system
(c) Goat-Fish system
(d) Mushroom-Fish system
(e) All of the above

Q6. What is the meaning of brackish water in terms of fisheries?
(a) Seawater only
(b) Freshwater only
(c) Combination of Sea water and Freshwater
(d) Polluted water
(e) None of these

Q7. Which of the following countries is the first largest fish producer in the world?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Russia
(d) Europe
(e) Japan

Q8. MSP with respect to Agriculture refers to:
(a) Minimum Support Price
(b) Minimum Selling Price
(c) Moderate Selling Price
(d) Moderate Sold Price
(e) Maximum Selling Price

Q9. The amount of solar radiations that reach the Earth and the amount received and sent back to the space should be maintained at equilibrium to maintain Earth’s temperature to be habitable. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide acts like a blanket in the earth’s atmosphere and absorbs a type of solar radiation and prevents it from escaping into the outer space and finally heats up the Earth’s atmosphere causing global warming. The radiation absorbed by these GHGs is:
(a) Ultraviolet (UV) radiation
(b) Gamma radiation
(c) Infrared (IR) radiation
(d) Microwaves
(e) None of these

Q10. What is the average surface temperature of the earth that makes it the best habitable planet when compared to the hottest Venus or the coldest Neptune?
(a) 55°F
(b) 59°F
(c) 51°F
(d) 53°F
(e) 50°F


S1. Ans (d)
Sol. Viral diseases are some of the most important infectious diseases affecting poultry. They are characterised by not being able to be treated, but most can be prevented with vaccines. The more important viral diseases are Newcastle Disease, Fowl pox, Marek’s Disease and Mycoplasma diseases. Some of the bacterial diseases are Fowl Cholera, Pullorum, Fowl Typhoid and Avian Salmonellosis.

S2. Ans (a)
Sol. India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2017, total forest cover is 708273 square kms which constitutes 21.54% of geographical area. Madhya Pradesh has largest forest cover of 77,414 square kms followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra. Lakshwadeep topped the list according to percentage wise forest cover which is 90.33% followed by Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura.

S3. Ans (d)
Sol. Development of social forestry programme is planned through different types of plantation activities which are Farm forestry, Community forestry, Strip plantations, Rehabilitation of degraded forests and Development of recreational forests. So, Control of government is not under the development of social forestry programme.

S4. Ans (a)
Sol. The social forestry is the management and the protection of forests, afforestation of barren land with the purpose of helping in the environmental, social and rural development. The objective of social forestry is increasing forest area and restoring ecological balance, meeting basic rural needs, ensuring better land use, generation of employment, pollution control. There are many characteristics with respect to social forestry which include mass production.

S5. Ans (d)
Sol. The integrated fish farming system involves multiple fish production in a pond or a pool. This is classified as Agri-based integrated fish farming and Livestock Fish system. Agri-based includes Rice-fish integration, Horticulture-fish system, Mushroom-fish system and Sericulture-fish system. Livestock-fish system includes Cattle-fish system, Pig-fish system, Poultry-fish system, Duck-fish system, Goat-fish system and Rabbit-fish system.

S6. Ans (c)
Sol. Brackish water is a combination of seawater and freshwater. Sea water has the high saline content. The freshwater contains less salinity which is used for wide purpose. Polluted water is industrial waste water which will have high content of nutrients and it is not suitable for usage.

S7. Ans (b)
Sol. The Union Ministry of Agriculture has launched Mission Fingerling, a programme to enable holistic development and management of fisheries sector in India with a total expenditure of about Rs. 52000 lakhs. India is the second largest producer in the world and China is the first largest producer in the world.

S8. Ans (a)
Sol. Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a form of market intervention by the Government of India to insure agricultural producers against any sharp fall in farm prices. The minimum support prices are announced by the Government of India at the beginning of the sowing season for certain crops based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). MSP is a price fixed by Government of India to protect the producer – farmers – against excessive fall in price during bumper production years.

S9. Ans (c)
Sol. UV radiations have short wavelength and high energy level than the visible light waves, but the IR radiations have long wavelength and weak energy level. So, these weaker IR radiations gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere and cannot go back into the outer space, and this leads to heating up of Earth’s atmosphere. The GHGs that are produced because of various anthropogenic activities covers the Earth’s atmosphere like a blanket and further prevents the IR radiation escaping into the outer space, which finally leads to global warming.

S10. Ans (b)
Sol. The natural greenhouse effect which helps in balancing the equilibrium between the radiation and absorption of heat to and from earth’s surface respectively is the main reason for maintaining this average temperature of 59℉, as recorded by NASA. Otherwise, the temperature might get extremely chilly or extremely cold as in other planets. But according to NASA findings, there has been an average increase of 1.8℉ in the global temperature in this century leading to global warming and this increase has been attributed mainly due to human activities.

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