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6th January – World Day of War Orphans 2022

World Day of War Orphans 2022: Every year on 6th January world Day of war orphans is every year celebrated to raise awareness about the plight of the war orphans and how we can help them in their traumatic condition. In this article we will be looking at the details of World Day of War Orphans 2022, so keep reading. 

World Day of War Orphans 2022 History

The French organization started the World day of war orphans which was created by SOS enfants en Detresse. This day was introduced to highlight the lives of the children who are affected by the war outcomes. This day is also recognized to increase awareness regarding the betterment of their future.

World Day of War Orphans 2022 Significance

Civilians in several nations around the world have been the victims of war. Amongst them, children are the silent victims. The number of children who have grown up in war zones is in villages. These orphan children are forced to take care of themselves and of their siblings as well. World Day of War orphans is every year observed to highlight the plight of the orphans and also to remind us that every child must be cared for.

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