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5 Tips To Improve Reading Comprehension Skills For Bank Exam

Bank PO/Clerk exams are the most popular ones among students. Where English language is the section which is feared by all. When it comes to crack English section in bank exams, one question always screw students mind is, how to improve reading comprehension skills for the bank exams. As many sought after banking exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB and RBI Grade B are lined up ahead and you all must be in search of tips to improve reading comprehension skills. RC being the most important part of the Subject, carries the highest weightage with some twisted question, vocab etc.

We all know and accept the fact Reading comprehension test is a tricky ball game, this part can be consuming, energy sapping and information intensive. If you are able to understand the idea behind the passage and information it is offering, you will be able to solve most of the question based on it. You may stuck with something you have not read even before to dealt with. The most important factor to solve the RC in english for IBPS PO is being accurate with your strategy and understanding the idea around the passage. It is important to cope up wisely with the challenges as it is the central aspect of how you perform in the reading comprehension. Be sure to strike the fine balance and keep a number of things in mind not to fall in the common pitfalls in the IBPS PO for English language. 

Check the 5 the most important tips for english in IBPS PO 2019 to solve Reading comprehension in the banking exams. Check the strategy to deal even with the complex passages to score better in the IBPS PO English Preparation.

5 Tips To Improve Reading Comprehension Skills For Bank Exam

Do not over emphasize on insignificance things: Do not try to conclude the idea by just reading the examples. Comprehend the whole passage and go with the flow this will help you solve all the questions based on the reading comprehension.

Do not memorize the whole: While going through the whole passage you do not have to memorize every word. This will puzzle you with the useful information to be kept in the mind. Re-read the passage for facts and specific point questions.

Do not solve the questions without reading the passage: Some students try to find the answers of the questions randomly they do not read the whole passage. This consumes their time and sometimes they end up in nothing.

Have a look at the questions first: Always check the questions before reading the passage. This will give you idea where to keep the things fresh in your mind, what should you need to memorize or not. This will help you to understand the reading comprehension and finding solutions easily.

Opening and closing para may have extra information: Always read the first and last paragraph carefully. Questions are always based on the whole para but majority of times you may find the answers in the first or may be last paragraph. Make sure you drive the maximum information for the same.

Most of the students are in dilemma whether to attempt Reading Comprehension first or they skip it as it may eat up all your time and leave you puzzled if the theme is based on economy or such commerce related topics which most of the students fear of. If we analyse the Exams conducted in 2018 by IBPS, we come through a new pattern of Short Reading Comprehensions. There were small Passages to read following 4-5 Questions each. Infact, IBPS PO Mains exam 2018 was 90% based on these short Reading Comprehension. So, this shows how important this topic is for the Examinations and one cannot skip this in one’s preparations.

So students, make the best of the tips shared by us to improve reading comprehension skills to fetch maximum marks in the IBPS PO and other banking exams. In case you have any query, feel free to contact us at blogger@adda247.com or connect to our moderators to ask your queries.

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