Fear learning vocab? Make it easy to learn as Vocabulary is the predominant of the English section. Every exam whether SBI or IBPS, Vocabulary has become the central part of the section. Questions asked in the exam can be based on the vocabulary. Also, it is the base of English writing and speaking that creates an authentic and expressive aura around the person that puts this into practice. These important words are helpful and will help you in all sorts of exam and while appearing for the interview. Using the right sets of the word can change the course of conversation make your presence effective and can make you stand out in the crowd. In short, it is the key part of English ability. Practice with the words of vocabulary from The Hindueditorial to perform well in the upcoming exams. Make a habit of reading new words provided on bankersadda.
PETULANT (adjective) ढीठ
Meaning: (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Synonyms: cranky, fractious, irritable, perverse
Antonyms: agreeable, cheerful, patient, willing
PETULANT (adjective) ढीठ
Meaning: (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Synonyms: cranky, fractious, irritable, perverse
Antonyms: agreeable, cheerful, patient, willing
Example: I was made to feel like a petulant child who has flown into a temper because his favorite toy was removed.
BUCOLIC (adjective) ग्राम्य
Meaning: relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral, country
Antonyms: urban
Example: There was a certain bucolic look to the faces of the cart drivers.
BOLSTER (verb) आधार, सहारा
Meaning: support or strengthen.
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce, boost
Antonyms: undermine
Example: He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory’s confidence.
DAMNING (adjective) घातक
Meaning: (of a circumstance or piece of evidence) strongly suggesting guilt or error.
Synonyms: incriminating, derogatory, catastrophic, destructive.
Antonyms: auspicious, encouraging, optimistic, propitious.
Example: She waved back, wondering how the most damning of them all was also the only who seemed anywhere able to feel sympathy.
HISTRIONIC (noun) नाटकीय
Meaning: melodramatic behavior designed to attract attention.
Synonyms: drama, affectation, exaggerated, farcical.
Antonyms: restrained, subdued, phlegmatic, stolid.
Example: Whenever the spoiled toddler does not get her way, she begins to yell in a histrionic manner.
ABET (verb) उकसाना
Meaning: encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong.
Synonyms: foment, incite, instigate, provoke.
Antonyms: constrain, restrain, allay, soothe.
Example: If you abet violence in your home, you should not be surprised if your children grow up to be abusers.
PROSPECTIVE(adjective) प्रत्याशित
Meaning: expected or expecting to be the specified thing in the future
Synonyms: potential, possible
Antonyms: impossible
Example: Prospective measures must be taken to make sure that future investments do not fail like the current ones.
ABORIGINAL(Adjective) मूल निवासी
Meaning: inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists.
Synonyms: indigenous, naive
Antonyms: modern, new
Example: The archaeologist found several aboriginal artifacts at the dig site of the ancient city.
CAUSTIC(Adjective) सख़्त
Meaning: extremely sarcastic or critical.
Synonyms: mordant, destructive
Antonyms: safe
Example: Because my uncle was a mean man, he took pleasure in making caustic statements to people.