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SBI CLERK Mains Reasoning Ability Quiz: 30th June

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SBI CLERK Mains Reasoning Ability Quiz: 30th June

Reasoning Questions for SBI CLERK MAINS 2019

Reasoning Ability is a crafty section. With each passing year, all the organizations are increasing the level of complexity of the questions that are asked in either prelims or mains. It eventually affects the number of question one can usually attempt. But this section is based on logic and rules can be aced if practised well enough. The only way to achieve this ambitious goal is by practising continuously with dedication. So to prepare you with best tools for the finals, here is today’s Reasoning Quiz based on the study plan and the exact same pattern of questions that are expected to be asked in SBI Clerk MAINS 2019. Keep Practicing. All the best.

Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

Twelve people are sitting in a straight line in such a way that some of them facing towards north and some of them facing towards south. Each of the them likes different colour either Green or Yellow. The one who likes Green are facing towards north and the one who likes yellow are facing towards south. Not more than two people likes same colour sit together.

Two people sit between N and T, who likes yellow. Four people sit between T and Q, who doesn’t sit to the left of N. O sits immediate left of T. Both the immediate neighbor of N likes Green. S sit second to the left of M. Both the immediate neighbors of O faces in opposite direction as O. P is not an immediate neighbor of N but likes Green. Only two people sit left of V. S faces in opposite direction as X. N faces towards south. Not more than two people sit between Q and V, who likes Green. M sit second to the left of W, who sits third to the right of R. W likes Green. Only two people sit between U and R, who is not an immediate neighbor of V. Neither O nor M sit at any extreme end of the line. Q likes Yellow.

Q1. Who among the following sits third to the left of W?


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Q2. Four of the following five from a group, which among the following does not belong to this group?


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Q3. How many persons sit between T and the one who sits immediate right of M?

More than Four

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Q4. Which of the following statement is true about X?

X sits third to the right of Q
X likes Green colour
More than two persons sit O and X
the one who likes green colour sits immediate left of X
Only three persons sit between X and V

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Q5. What is the position of S with respect to N?

Fifth to the right
Immediate left
Third to the left
Second to the right
None of these

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Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

In number arrangement machine when given an input line of numbers, it rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: 75 16 56 29 48 31 64 97 26 57

Step I: 92 75 56 48 31 64 97 26 57 17

Step II: 13 92 75 56 48 64 97 57 17 27

Step III: 75 13 92 75 56 64 97 17 27 49

Step IV: 57 75 13 92 64 97 17 27 49 57

Step V: 79 57 75 13 92 17 27 49 57 65

And step V is the last step of the arrangement.

As per the above rule followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below;

Input: 86 12 53 22 45 19 32 29 74 93

Q6. Which of the following is the last step of above input?

None of these

In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-

* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.

* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.

Input: 86 12 53 22 45 19 32 29 74 93

Step I: 91 86 53 22 45 32 29 74 93 13

Step II: 92 91 86 53 45 32 74 93 13 23

Step III: 54 92 91 86 53 74 93 13 23 33

Step IV: 35 54 92 91 86 93 13 23 33 75

Step V: 39 35 54 92 91 13 23 33 75 87

Q7. Which is the following step?

Step: 54 92 91 86 53 74 93 13 23 33

There is no such step

In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-

* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.

* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.

Input: 86 12 53 22 45 19 32 29 74 93

Step I: 91 86 53 22 45 32 29 74 93 13

Step II: 92 91 86 53 45 32 74 93 13 23

Step III: 54 92 91 86 53 74 93 13 23 33

Step IV: 35 54 92 91 86 93 13 23 33 75

Step V: 39 35 54 92 91 13 23 33 75 87

Q8. What is 4th element from right end in Step IV?


In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-

* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.

* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.

Input: 86 12 53 22 45 19 32 29 74 93

Step I: 91 86 53 22 45 32 29 74 93 13

Step II: 92 91 86 53 45 32 74 93 13 23

Step III: 54 92 91 86 53 74 93 13 23 33

Step IV: 35 54 92 91 86 93 13 23 33 75

Step V: 39 35 54 92 91 13 23 33 75 87

Q9. Which of the following elements lies exactly between 91 and 32 in step II?


In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-

* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.

* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.

Input: 86 12 53 22 45 19 32 29 74 93

Step I: 91 86 53 22 45 32 29 74 93 13

Step II: 92 91 86 53 45 32 74 93 13 23

Step III: 54 92 91 86 53 74 93 13 23 33

Step IV: 35 54 92 91 86 93 13 23 33 75

Step V: 39 35 54 92 91 13 23 33 75 87

Q10. Which of the following is the fifth step for input?

39 35 54 33 75 87 92 91 13 23
39 35 33 75 87 54 92 91 13 23
39 91 13 23 33 35 54 92 75 87
39 35 23 33 54 92 91 13 75 87
39 35 54 92 91 13 23 33 75 87

In this input output question two numbers are arranged in each step following a certain pattern. Let us understand the logic behind it-

* Even numbers are arranged at the right end, from left to right in ascending order after adding one in each number.

* Odd numbers are arranged at the left end, from right to left in ascending order after the digits are interchanged within the number.

Input: 86 12 53 22 45 19 32 29 74 93

Step I: 91 86 53 22 45 32 29 74 93 13

Step II: 92 91 86 53 45 32 74 93 13 23

Step III: 54 92 91 86 53 74 93 13 23 33

Step IV: 35 54 92 91 86 93 13 23 33 75

Step V: 39 35 54 92 91 13 23 33 75 87

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. In a certain code language:

“Magazine Today Master” is written as “ 3$Q 4$D 2.5#X”

“Defence High Challenges” is written as “5$R 3.5#D 2$G”

“Response Inspiration Trial” is written as “4$D 5.5#M 2.5#K”

Q11. What is the code for “Interface”?

None of these

SBI CLERK Mains Reasoning Ability Quiz: 30th June |_8.1

Q12. What is the code for “Article Subscriber”?

4#K 6.5$H
2$F 3#C
4$Q 5.5#D
3.5#D 5$Q
None of these

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Q13. What is the code for “Quiz”?

7.5 $ D
None of these

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Q14. What is the code for “Regional”

None of these

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Q15. What is the code for “Separated”?

None of these

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