1. IMPLICITLY (adverb) अप्रत्यक्ष
Meaning: in a way that is not directly expressed; tacitly.
Synonyms: absolutely, totally, utterly, unconditionally.
Antonyms: bluntly, explicitly, openly, clearly.
Usage: She implicitly suggested that he was responsible for the error.
2. VALEDICTORY (Noun) – विदाई
Meaning: a farewell address.
Synonym: farewell, goodbye, leaving, parting, departing, going away, last, final
Usage: On the last day of school, seniors wrote a valedictory stating what they would miss about high school and read it in front of the class for their final grade.
3. INTERDICT (Noun) – पाबंदी
Meaning: an authoritative prohibition, in particular
Synonym: prohibition, ban, bar, veto, proscription,
Antonym: corroborate, support
Usage: Because I failed most of my classes last term, my parents will probably interdict me from working this semester.
4. PROTRACTED (adjective) फैला हुआ
Meaning: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
Synonyms: expanded, lasting, prolonged, sustained.
Antonyms: abbreviated, abridged, curtailed, shortened.
Usage: Three years of long and protracted negotiations characterized the proposals for an indoor-events arena.
5. INCHOATE (adjective) प्रारंभिक
Meaning: just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
Synonyms: budding, inceptive, incipient, nascent.
Antonyms: developed, full-fledged, evolved, ripened.
Usage: Having just come into existence a few years ago, the new political party is considered inchoate by many historians.
6. FRACTIOUS (adjective) झगड़ालू
Meaning: irritable and quarrelsome.
Synonyms: grumpy, cantankerous, peevish, irascible.
Antonyms: amicable, docile, affable, genial.
Usage: During the concert, police officers were on hand just in case the crowd became fractious.
7. DOWNRIGHT (adjective) सर्वथा
Meaning: (of something bad or unpleasant) utter; complete (used for emphasis).
Synonyms: total, absolute, thorough, perfect, sheer.
Antonyms: inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, unfinished.
Usage: It was downright bad marking that allowed Dermot Shields head past Larkin from six yards for the lead goal.
8. CONFLATE (verb) मिलाना
Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.
Synonyms: amalgamate, converge, unify, fuse.
Antonyms: divide, part, separate, rupture.
Usage: To conflate art and science, teachers must design activities that blend the two.
9. EERILY (adverb) भयपूर्वक
Meaning: in a strange and frightening manner.
Synonyms: hauntingly, creepily, scarily, spookily.
Antonyms: dulcetly, pleasingly, pleasantly, agreeably.
Usage: In front of him stood a masked man clutching a knife in one hand, grinning eerily at him.
10. CONFABULATE (verb): बातचीत करना
Meaning: to talk informally
Synonyms: cackle, chat, patter, schmooze.
Antonyms: be silent, be quiet.
Usage: Guests gathered in the hallway to confabulate about the weather and make small talk.
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