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1 Lakh Subscribers Family Celebration on Adda247 Regulatory Bodies and SO on 4 October- 4 PM

We are a family of 1 Lakh subscribers now! This is truly mesmerizing for us to believe how all the aspirants have showcased their interest and love towards us. Our Adda247 Regulatory Bodies and SO have achieved the milestone of being the acing trademark in Ed-tech. We have made our YouTube Channel showcase its efficiency with a whopping count of 1 Lakh subscribers now.  This would not have been possible without you, as you have believed in us and served us a chance to make your career shine fruitfully.

Join In Hands For A Great Celebration

We have had an immense amount of support and dedication from the users from the day one. Your passion and trust have made us even stronger and amplified our zeal to make it large.  We are highly thankful to all our subscribers who soulfully trusted our process. Our team has always dreamt of making your career choice flourish and giving you the impactful knowledge that you desire. With this motive, we have incorporated our YouTube Channel in which we have showcased the power of professional mentorship.

So, now it is time for us to acknowledge your support with a great initiative.  Our Adda247 team is going to observe this 1 Lakh subscribers milestone with a massive celebration on 4 October at 4 PM. We want all our aspirants to join this celebration as you are the one who has made us unstoppable. 

Save The Date and Time!

We are requesting all of you to join us tomorrow at 4 PM for the celebration. We can assure you that our surprising initiatives will excite your mood.

1 Lakh Subscribers

Wednesday/ 04 October 2023- 4 PM 

Some Exciting Deals on our YouTube Channel

Our YouTube channel is highly dedicated to make a candidate prepare for their desired banking exams. On our Regulatory Bodies and SO channel, you can find some of the best study materials related to SEBI, RBI, NABARD, etc. Our professionally trained mentors always remain motivated to make aspirants understand their prowess. Moreover, we can make your preparation journey more valuable by giving you the knowledge for a lifetime.

Now, don’t forget to subscribe to India’s leading government exam preparation channel. 

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1 Lakh Subscribers Family Celebration on Adda247 Regulatory Bodies and SO on 4 October- 4 PM_3.1

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How I can join the 1 Lakh Subscribers Family Celebration of Adda247?

You can join the celebration on Adda247 YouTube channel on 4 October-4 PM.