1. Charlatan: noun=ढोंगी
Meaning: one who makes false claims of identity or expertise
Synonyms: fake, faker, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, impostor, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, ringer, sham
Antonyms: ace, adept, authority, crackerjack, expert, maestro, master, past master, professional, virtuoso, whiz, wizard
2. Condone: verb=माफ करना
Meaning: to dismiss as of little importance
Synonyms: disregard, excuse, forgive, gloss, gloze , ignore, overlook, overpass, paper over, pardon, pass over, remit, shrug off, whitewash
Antonyms: heed, mark, mind, note
3. Putative: adjective=कल्पित
Meaning: generally considered or reputed to be.
Synonyms: apparent, assumed, evident, ostensible, presumed, prima facie, reputed, seeming, supposed
Antonyms: implausible, impossible, improbable, inconceivable, unlikely,actual, authenticated, confirmed, corroborated, established, genuine, real, substantiated, sure, valid, validated, verified
4. Beguile: verb=मोहित करना
Meaning: to attract or delight as if by magic
Synonyms: allure, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, kill, magnetize, wile
Antonyms: disgust, offend, repel, revolt, annoy, displease, irk, bore, tire, weary
5. Capricious: adjective=मनमौजी
Meaning: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.
Synonyms: changeable, changeful, fickle, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, skittish, temperamental, uncertain
Antonyms: certain, changeless, constant, immutable, invariable, predictable, settled, stable, stationary, steady, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying
6. Laudable: adjective=प्रशंसनीय
Meaning: (of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation.
Synonyms: admirable, applaudable, commendable, creditable, estimable, meritorious, praiseworthy
Antonyms: censurable, discreditable, illaudable, reprehensible
7. Ignoramus: noun=मूर्ख
Meaning: a stupid person
Synonyms: airhead, blockhead, chucklehead, dimwit, dodo, dolt, donkey, dope, dork, dullard, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, fathead, goof, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, noddy, noodle,
Antonyms: brain, genius
8. Innate: adjective=स्वाभाविक तौर पर
Meaning: being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thing
Synonyms: built-in, constitutional, constitutive, essential, hardwired, immanent, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrain, ingrained, inherent, integral, intrinsic, native, natural
Antonyms: adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic
9. Discernible: adjective=प्रत्यक्ष
Meaning: able to be perceived by a sense or by the mind
Synonyms: appreciable, apprehensible, detectable, distinguishable, palpable, perceptible, sensible
Antonyms: impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable
10. Trample: verb=रौंदना
Meaning: to tread on heavily so as to crush or injure
Synonyms: stamp, stomp, tramp,