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Reasoning Questions for RBI assistant mains 2017

Reasoning Questions for RBI assistant mains 2017 |_2.1
Directions (1-5): These questions are based on the following information. Study it carefully and answer the questions.
Seven members P, Q, W, S, X, U and V represent different countries in Olympics, viz, USA, China, Korea, France, Russia, Australia and Japan; each one competes for a different sport, viz. Volleyball, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Tennis, Boxing, Athletics and Football. The order of persons, countries and games is not necessarily the same.
W represents China for Archery. S represents USA but not for Volleyball or Rifle Shooting. The one who represents Japan competes for Boxing. X competes for Volleyball but not for Korea. P represents Australia for Athletics. The one who represents Russia competes for Tennis. U does not represent Korea or Japan. V competes for Rifle Shooting.

Q1. Which of the following combinations is correct?
(a) U – Tennis – France 
(b) V – Tennis – Russia 
(c) V – Tennis – France 
(d) U – Tennis – Russia 
(e) None of these

Q2. Who represents Japan?
(a) X
(b) V
(c) U
(d) Q
(e) None of these

Q3. X represents which country?
(a) France
(b) Russia
(c) Japan
(d) Korea
(e) None of these

Q4. The one who competes for Rifle Shooting, represents which country?
(a) France
(b) Korea
(c) Japan
(d) USA
(e) None of these

Q5. For which game does S compete?
(a) Boxing
(b) Football
(c) Tennis
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): These questions are based on the following information. Study it carefully and answer the questions.

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G applied for three Banks X, Y and Z. Out of these at least two have applied for each Bank. There is only one girl who has applied only for one Bank. Out of seven friends three were selected one for one Bank, out of these was only one girl. B is sister of G and both have applied for the same Bank but not for Y. A applied for the Bank Z only with E who is a girl. F applied for the Bank X but he was not selected. C who is the wife of D, has been selected.

Q6. Which of the following combinations represents girls?
(a) B, C, E
(b) B, C, G
(c) C, E, G
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these

Q7. For which bank, three persons applied?
(a) Z
(b) X or Y
(c) Y or Z
(d) X
(e) Cannot be determined

Q8. Which of the following combinations of boys and Bank is correct?
(a) G – Y 
(b) C – Y 
(c) D – Z 
(d) E – Z 
(e) A – Z 

Q9. Which of the following combinations of friends represents for the Bank X?
(a) Only B and F
(b) Only F and G
(c) Only B, F and G
(d) Only B, F and C
(e) None of these

Q10. Finally which of the following were selected?
(a) A, C, F
(b) A, C, G
(c) B, C, F
(d) B, C, G
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
(i) P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven members of a family.
(ii) Each one of them has a different profession – Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer, Engineer, Architect, Chartered Accountant and Banker – and their incomes are different.
(iii) There are two married couples in the group.
(iv) R is the Doctor and earns more than the Engineer and the Lawyer.
(v) T is married to the Chartered Accountant and she earns the least.
(vi) No lady is either Lawyer or Engineer.
(vii) Q, the Teacher, earns less than P, the Banker. W is married to Q and he earns more than S and P.
(viii) V is not the Lawyer. The Chartered Accountant earns less than the Lawyer but more than the Banker.

Q11. Who earns the maximum in the family?
(a) V
(b) W
(c) R
(d) S
(e) None of these

Q12. Which of the following is a pair of married couple?
(a) RT
(b) VT
(c) QT
(d) ST
(e) None of these

Q13. What is P’s position from the top when they are arranged in descending order of their incomes?
(a) Second 
(b) Fourth
(c) Third
(d) Sixth
(e) None of these

Q14. What is the profession of V?
(a) Engineer
(b) Chartered Accountant
(c) Engineer or Chartered Accountant
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these

Q15. At least how many male members are there in the family?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(e) None of these

Reasoning Questions for RBI assistant mains 2017 |_3.1Reasoning Questions for RBI assistant mains 2017 |_4.1


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